Well, we don't know how much being faster than light would be, but it has been proven that time passes more slowly when you're going faster. The effect is negligible in modern-day society, though - it only had an effect of a few days saved for an astronaut twin~
You might be able to see depending on the light which you are traveling faster than . . . on the other hand, you may not be able to see at all because you are going so fast . . .we will never know until we accomplish it . . .
You dont see much. Any light in front coming towards you is entering your retina at a huge rate, and just looks like... um... white light. But the upside is that if you have a photon denuturalizer you can actually hold photons in your hand, in fact... you can eat them. They taste like strawberrys. I know this because I do it to get to college on time on a regular basis.
Orson Scott Card talks about faster than light travel in his Ender's Game series. I haven't looked into it enough to say if it is all plausible(it is a sci-fi novel after all). He paints an interesting picture with it though. Like how if you could manage to travel even near light speed, then you would age normally, but because time is relative years would pass in the universe around you. A perk he points out is if you have a bank account with decent interest, you could be a billionaire after taking a few trips around the colonized universe.
If you go faster than light...the flow of time will not simply slow; it will take on an "imaginary" (sqrt(-1) ) direction; nobody is quite sure what this means.
However, hypothetical tachyons are different; they take on imaginary dimensions when they move slower than light, and so can only exist at faster than light speeds. If relativity is weird, tachyons are even..weirder; as you try to catch up to a tachyon, it speeds up...and it has less energy from your perspective.
So, in answer to the original question: IF you went faster than the speed of light...you'd probably wind up seeing another universe or something.
Personally, I believe the question to be unanswerable because it is fundamentally absurd. Just going at a fraction of the speed of light will tear your body into shreds; don't even think about seeing anything.
yes u can see it is just you are going faster than it
hard to explain
not really, that's just dead on.
things may appear slower when you are going faster than the speed of light, but then again, you're going faster than the speed of light, so you can't analyze how fast/slow things appear to be moving anyways.
i dont know,but scientists say they've figured out how to teleport and make space cloaking device,the prob now is how to make use of the formula,get the right items etc etc
Yeah like someone said, What happens when you travel over the speed of sound. You can't hear things behind you right? Maybe you could only see things that are ahead of you as the light is traveling to you, but if you look back, maybe you can't see anything because you are going faster than the light.