Your eyeballs would swell and go red because you would need to blink, and it would be impossible at that speed. So to sum it up. No. You cannot see at that speed
Is this based on the assumption that our brains could handle that much info at once or can it? I get the feeling we simply couldnt process that many photons properly.
Traveling into light at that speed would compact the wave length, we would either see blue or the light would be out of the visible light spectrum.
Your eyeballs would swell and go red because you would need to blink, and it would be impossible at that speed. So to sum it up. No. You cannot see at that speed
It would be easily possible to blink, so long as you were travelling at a constant velocity you would be able to blink just as easily as if you weren't moving at all.
We've solved the problem with inertia - rapidly accelerating to the speed of light would crush your entire body instantly. We can maintain warp speed for extended periods of time.
You probably wouldn't be able to see behind you, as all the light waves from that way would never reach you. You would, on the other hand, probably be able to see ahead of you (that is, the direction that your craft is moving). This is only speculation, and this answer will only be truly answered in the labs of astrophysicists or by actually experiencing it.
The issue that I've run into in reading up on the theories surrounding time travel is that none of them take into account that aging is a byproduct of cell replication, not purely a passage of time.
But although you might be at the speed of light for years, it could feel extremely quick to you and your cells, thus they would only age however long it seemed to them?
You may be traveling in light years, but your body has 70 years of the living process. It doesn't matter how fast you are traveling, that does not mean that your present self does not age or ages faster :/
First of all this is impossible, but IF you could, you probably couldn't see anything behind you (because you're moving away from the light behind you). The things in front of you you would probably see "blue" (because of the blueshift). But it's hard to say how you would see things very very far away from you (and in front of you). Because space is also expanding with more than lightspeed I think... And about aging: you would think that you age normally. But somebody on the earth would see you aging more slowly as far as I know.
Well, actually as far as we know its impossible to travel faster than light, and even if you could human being would splatt to pieces because g-force...
according to the theory of relativity you cannot Travel faster than the speed of light, as light has "zero" mass. if you where to reduce your mass to below the mass of light which is considered to be zero, which means you would have to have negative mass to travel faster than the speed of light. which would mean that you wouldn't actually exist and therefore something that doesn't exist cannot travel so cannot exceed the speed of light
I'm not quite sure about the "zero" mass statement but I do agree that it is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light since reaching that critical speed would require infinite energy, which is ludicrous to say the least.
I think if you move faster than light, you wouldn't probably see anything. Our eyes are too limited. I can give you a quick example: Our eyes can see @ 30 FPS (dno the exact value) but to see anything quite good with light speed we needed to see @ 1000 FPS or something like that, since light speed ~ 300.000 kilometers per second. Maybe in space you could only see large white stripes caused by the stars.
I think that if humans get the hability to travel faster than light, they would probably create something in orther too see and travel safely, dont ya think that??
i haven't studied the phenomena of time travel... but in my mind i justify my reasoning with these thoughts....
i am starting to believe that past present and future are only designations given to time which is relative. it is only our way of measuring the periods in which we exist. according to my thinking... there is no past, present, or future because "time" doesn't actually exist. its only a set of chemical reactions that just keep going. ...let me revise my definition. I believe that there is no past and no future... there is only the here and now.
now if you start talking about wormholes and their possibilities then I'm just going to respectfully bow out of the argument and say "you win"