ok so since apparently this was wrong to put on the general video games forum... FOR HALO PLAYERS ALIKE:
Which do you believe is more efficient in battle... the original Hornet, which is able to attack with simply one person aboard, or the Falcon, able to have two gunmen on her sides but unable to use guns and fly with a single occupant?
Halo Reach would have to be the Greatest Halo Game, not even the Gameplay but the StoryLine I think they're Gonna ruin the Halo Reputation when Halo 4 comes out, Reason being is that Bungie Left it at Halo reach cause they knew that was the best way to end it!!!
That's not fair. Bethesda took the rights to Fallout and made two great games for the series already. Why can't 343 do the same for Halo? Besides, there are employees that have moved from Bungie to 343 to work on Halo, including Frank O'Connor.
I'm still wondering what the enemy is going to be. I think there was something said about it being ancient, but I doubt it is the Flood.
I'm still wondering what the enemy is going to be. I think there was something said about it being ancient, but I doubt it is the Flood.
Well, the covenant are back against you in this game, so they'll still be one enemy. As for the other enemy, the game takes place on a planet that the forerunners built a shield around, so that the planet would survive the halos. So I'm guessing maybe some sort of forerunner robotic enemy would be there.
Nothing wrong about Halo not to dis on it. But Halo and COD and other games that have ridiculous number of games get boring after awhile. I am hoping that 343i will bring back the excitement that the first halo sparked. I like the game but every new one is really not that much different. Its just the same game everytime with a new story to me. The same goes for COD multiplayer, just the same game with a few weapons taken out and new ones added in