Yup, put your Halo shenanigans here folks. Help make a cleaner, greener forums!
gaylo is highly overrated and this topic shouldn't even be here
I like to murder the flood
halo is a great game but halo legends s*cks balls and halo wars might be a great game but it doesn't have anything to do whith halo so i think it doesnt deserve the name halo
Halo great? my ass it is guys the game is highly overrated. its stuipid it sucks and theres better games that desver more credit then halo did
halo is just the best ODST is great aswell
firefight kicks ass
halo reach should be pretty sweet
brildon is right reach is going to be epic even the previews look epic
guys the game is highly overrated. its stuipid it sucks and theres better games that desver more credit then halo did
ive seen better storylines then halo The conduitStarfoxMetroidKillzoneThe ConquruersStarcraftRed Factionperfect darkgolden eyeand many more
ive seen better storylines then halo
Halo ODST is awesome and the firefight it also awesome.i like it coolll!!!
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