Halo 3 was alright as a game. But as a Halo game, it was total crap. The only great things about it were matchmaking (and that's if you got ODST with the map packs) with Rumble Pit, and Forge if you got Sandbox and Foundry. Halo 2 was the best in my opinion. I hope that Reach becomes all that it's hiped-up to be. I would like it the customization went a whole lot further. I don't mean like in Halo 3 where you got to change 4 things with 7 options each. I mean you got to change every. single. thing. With at least 18 different options to choose from for each. And all of them you could unlock from either Live OR off-line. But in order to unlock it off-line, you would have to do a great feat like kill 8 Elites in 4 seconds with only pistols and grenades. Or finish the entire campaign on Legendary while only using the AR and melee. But, like in CoDMW2, what you get off-line doesn't transfer to Live. Well, except for a few, like the 2nd one I said.
Hey i thought this wuz a Total halo server . DRAKEDURBIN!!!! JK,Jk,jk. i just messin wit youz. i think the first halo really brought out the BANG!!! compared to the other halo games. i got it for my computer wen i wuz younger