I'm not going to waste my money on that old crap, and don't call me kid because only immature 8 year olds rant about halo this much. JUST GO AWAY ALREADY, AND PLAY ALL THESE GAMES THAT YOU ARE MENTIONING!!!
1. N64 was probaly the best console ever 2. Your only susporting halo because your halo fan who obivously never played a REAL shooter 3. your probaly just osme 8 year old who loves playing halo and thinks that halo is the greatest of the great when in fact it ain't. Just like what MickKaine said Halo is full of eight year olds who just want to shoot each other in the face and if you go 5 miniutes without shooting something you might be going a little quer. Thats how halo fans think.
Okay, forget what I said for just this post. HALOSUCKS, you are the troll. You are the one making an account just to say that Halo sucks and that you hate it.