melee weapons, can be countered by BR and sometimes they can't kill you in one hit.
Most of the time they do. You could just as easily say that for all the weapons on the COD list. Different weapons are suitable to different levels.
is 1 hit within 5 feet
Still a 1 hit kill weapon. If the opponent is at 10, you wouldn't bother with the 2nd shot, you'd just melee him. That leads on nicely to the Mauler.
needs to be a head shot
The same can be said of the COD sniiper rifles. The stopping power perk can be countered by juggernaut.
avoided easily
Not if you're in a vehicle. I actually find the laser to be a very effective anti personnel weapon, depending on the map.
avoided even more easily.
Again, not if you're in a vehicle.
We could argue the merits and demerits of the weapons in COD/Halo, all day and we wouldn't reach a meaningful conclusion, mainly because different weapons are suited to different situations. However, I pick COD over Halo, because the player is more actively involved in the tactical side of it. When making your custom class you have choices to make. In Halo, the best weapons are spread over the map, so it is a mixture of luck and skill as to who gets them first.
My favorite FPS is Bioshock, but that's another discussion.
Halo is good for a non-tactical romp. COD is much more serious in the gameplay and tactics aspect of it. For me, it depends what I'm in the mood for at the moment, though a good deal of the time I go for a single player one anyway :/
Halo is good for a non-tactical romp. COD is much more serious in the gameplay and tactics aspect of it. For me, it depends what I'm in the mood for at the moment, though a good deal of the time I go for a single player one anyway :/
Agreed. I find Halo much more fun to play with mates,(Sandtrap, low gravity, 300%+ player speed and grav hammers FTW!) COD is a bit more intense.
I can make a warhog fly over a Big hole.With a frag greng, it flys high!sorry about my spelling.
The coolest thing I remember from Halo CE, was throwing 1 plasma grenade on the ground, then throwng another on top of it. The first would blow up, sending the second vertically into the air, where it would explode. Fireworks. Good times.
On the topic of other good FPS games, Deus Ex is also fun. Only played it twice, though.
Heard it was excellent. Sadly never got round to playing it.
not if you are playing in MLG events for monetary prizes. then it is all about tactics. Im sure Crashout could fill you in more on that. I have only been to 7 events.
I personally prefer overshield + rocket launcher jump
That was cool, but I seem to remember being able to do that on Halo 2 without an overshield. You'd just lose a lot of health and all of your shield.
I love Halo: Combat Evolved. I downloaded it off Xbox Live. Loooooooove it.
Still got the original X box and CE stashed away somewhere. I'll probably crack it out whenI'm an old man and remember the good ol' days.
It was a very inventive FPS. Awesome game.
I'm not sure that it was inventive. Rather, it just improved massively on all the other FPS games out there. It didn't introduce many brand new ideas. Looking back on it though, neither the GC or the PS2 had anything that could get close to Halo in that department. It was lightyears ahead.
not if you are playing in MLG events for monetary prizes. then it is all about tactics. Im sure Crashout could fill you in more on that. I have only been to 7 events.
I have no doubt at that serious a level tactics become very important, but as a game overall, it is less tactical than COD, which is why I prefer the latter personally.
I'm not sure that it was inventive. Rather, it just improved massively on all the other FPS games out there. It didn't introduce many brand new ideas. Looking back on it though, neither the GC or the PS2 had anything that could get close to Halo in that department. It was lightyears ahead.
It was one of the first games that blended RPG and FPS and did it well. Also, it had a good story for its time.