They have succesfully been able to J-Tag their Halo Reach and built an aimbot hack, among other things. However, Bungie's "Banhammer" is made to detect such network disturbances and the hackers are banned within a few matches.
halo reach definitely adds more features w/ armor lock,jetpack,evade, etc. and the whole noble team thing is great being able to play with other spartans for once
Halo is awsome but 343 industries is going to ruin the franchise. They are continuing the master cheif story line and are almost definently going to ruin it because they are a bunch of fans that dont know how to make a ****ing game. Its really too bad but microsoft ****ed up halo when they didnt give bungie what they wanted, and because bungie dosnt own halo microsoft dose the game was passed to some ******* fans.
Not to offend anyone but Halo Reach gets super boring. I got the pre-order. And there was a lvl cap at Lt.Cornell. But now its removed, and to me all i see in the game is just playing for armor.. Nothing else