First, you are spamming, you filthy peasant. Second, this is a Halo thread, not a Call of Duty thread. Two reasons for you to leave now. Third, Halo has always had better custom game options, a better storyline, a map maker option, Forge (Which CoD obviously doesn't have), and its multiplayer is just as good as CoD's.
On the topic of Halo CEA, I'm probably going to get it during the holidays, and it will be my excuse to get back on Halo: Reach, which I have been avoiding for a few months. The new maps seem pretty cool. I never beat Halo: CE, so this game will be a magnificent experience for me.
When is this game going to end... I used to love playing halo... it was amazing, and then after playing CoD... i can't go back, it's too cartoony and controls suck compared to CoD...
ODST was good. Not the best, but I don't think there's any Halo that is the worst. They're all great. Has anyone else seen a big decline of Reach players lately?
Ya, it seemed to coincide with the release of many highly anticipated games. I didn't like ODST as much as the rest personally, storyline was too complicated.