However, I like the summer olympics better because there are more events.
What I dislike about the summer olympics is that there are way too many swimming events. Yeah, we get it. Michael Phelps can swim. He shouldn't be getting that many medals for one thing...
As a Canadian, I can't wait for the Winter Olympics! I even bought a pair of red mittens, though I'll keep them behind a glass as memories and never wear them.
Maybe they could add another category... Snowmobile Joust!
I would rather go to the summer Olympics, as the cold is a lot less comfortable <.< also, the activities (for lack of a better word, agh I can never think of words now days...) are more enjoyable to watch in the summer. In my opinion, at least.
I'm pretty sure that California gets slow at least once in a while. I know that it is on the west coast, and that it is closer to the Equator than Canada is, but I think that snow should be falling there. If it doesn't, then move... XD
Lol, I'm going to college in the only big town next to Vancouver. The town's going to be crawling with people trying to get through the Canadian border.