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ForumsThe Tavern[Necro]If you have a question about girls...

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290 posts

Ask away in here. Before you all go accusing me of being some loser, just don't. I know I'm not the girl master, but I do know a lot about them, why they do certain things that they do, so on and so forth. So don't be shy =D

  • 1,043 Replies
13,657 posts

Let her come to you, Soul. Show interest, but unless you are looking for a quickie, let her control the pace.

13,344 posts

Pull the girl's pants down. That's a surefire win.

670 posts

My question is, "How do I get her to be more open with me?"

just let her know that you want to know, its kinda a girl thing, most girls dont think that guys wanna talk to them. but just let her know that you really care and wanna know.

I have spent over 200$ taking her out, and half of the week trying to get her to open up...

and you dont need to spent that much, some times just some roses and a lil note saying you care is all you need.
9,462 posts

What? Why? He's really nice. Plus he has a girlfriend so i figure he knows more than you do.

trayzruls said it best.

Don't be offended PossibleInstability, I'm sure your brother is quite nice. But all girls are different, and it is not right to say that "I'd tap that" would impress every girl. Some girls would definitely be offended by that as they see themselves as a person, not an object, and saying "you'd tap that" could be seen as objectifying her. Some girls might find it quite flattering...but definitely not all. Be careful what you say as everyone interprets things differently.

Now for damage control.
If you haven't already next time you see her tell her your sorry for the "I'll tap that" comment. Say something along the lines of,

"I'm sorry for saying I'll tap that. I really like you and just wanted you to notice me. I didn't know how to do that and my brother told me saying that would get you to notice me. I never meant to insult you in any way, again I'm sorry and I hope I can have the chance to make it up to you."
677 posts

Much agreed Mage! If you have any hope for getting back into her good graces, PossibleInstability, you should definitely play off something like that. She might even get the impression that your a decent/sensitive guy as opposed to the insensitive jerk she currently thinks you are. You can definitely fix the situation if you work at it!

1,098 posts

no not all girls are like that, I dont really know why some girls are like that its just that way. and as for the girl you like. it does not matter if you like her or not, you have a right to like who ever you want. but DO NOT take sides, just listen to them both, just never never ever take sides cause they can put words in your mouth. hope it helps good luck

i never did,thats why im in a dillema lol

If anything Playaholic... you must be true to yourself. If you like her, then don't diss her in public just to keep up your image. But you have a right to disagree with your friends if they ask your opinion. Like Shyla said... I wouldn't openly take sides. Who knows... maybe you could be the bridge between making peace with her & your friends! : )

but the bridge crumbles once she offends people again...

thanks atleast not all girls are like that,for i might hear you screaming vulgarities at me.i think what both of you said are valid in diff points,though its gonna be hard,ill try to be a negotiator,yippie...
320 posts

To be honest, no trolling here... Thats usually a sign that shes planning on breaking up with you.

Yup. No kidding, a girl I liked became shut off and stopped hanging around with me when she found out I liked her.

Just ask her what's up. Maybe she is always a bit shy.

1,098 posts

[quote](PS: I am getting tired of saying this, but I am a guy, I just liked the ladies hat over the lord one )
>_> I really feel like I am gonna get made fun of, but I am 25, and my current girlfriend is rather... shut off.
My question is, "How do I get her to be more open with me?"
Might as well ask a girl about it.

To be honest, no trolling here... Thats usually a sign that shes planning on breaking up with you.

yeah,very true,unless something very bad has happened to her the past few days(someone died,sick,faid something,lost something important to her)and if she is planning to break,you better find another girl,cos lost girls are lost for quite awhile,and might never come back to you the same,but dont rush or she might suspect you of breaking,she might just be unable to communicate much,or you better get used to being single,which i find better,i never said i loved my "gf",i like her alot,and i hang out with her along with a few friends as well,not together alone,mom will get mad for some crap reason,and lol,i dont even have growth spurt yet...
677 posts

Look, being shut off can lead to a breakup; I am not denying that. But seriously, if you think this girl is worth it do not assume she is breaking up with you. It is possible she is just having some sort of internal crisis that does not lead to a breakup. Keep trying your best to give her space/let her know you are here to talk. She very likely could eventually come around!

9,504 posts

To be honest, no trolling here... Thats usually a sign that shes planning on breaking up with you.

It's a pre-Halloween miracle! ;-) Just kidding 420. Notice I'm back? lol

I'm part of a new couple. Part of this 7-day journey was spent on spending time with my new girlfriend. We've been going out for about....5 days. the other 2 was stomaching the courage and fortitude to ask her out!

Not going to lie guys. Doing that takes lots and lots of courage to do so. But when you get it over with and success follows, it's just smooth sailing in Heaven afterwards. ^^"
9,462 posts

SoulHack11, Have you tried just asking her what's the matter? Worst that can happen is she dumps you right then and there, but chances are if that's the case it will happen eventually anyway.

8 posts

Ok so what do I do if she says she doesn't want to ruin our relationship cus we're really good friends and she's moving in December and I reeeeeaaaaaly want to go out with her before then........ I think she kinda likes me though so I'm still confused.

670 posts

Ok so what do I do if she says she doesn't want to ruin our relationship cus we're really good friends and she's moving in December and I reeeeeaaaaaly want to go out with her before then........ I think she kinda likes me though so I'm still confused.

then just tell her what you feel, and that you really want to date her be4 she leaves.... most the time girls just want the truth
3,224 posts

Most people on this site will be looking at girls between 14-16 years of age. Assuming that's the case, all you need to know is how to buy cider.

2,906 posts

Most people on this site will be looking at girls between 14-16 years of age.

you dont need to know anything to look at people.
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