Ask away in here. Before you all go accusing me of being some loser, just don't. I know I'm not the girl master, but I do know a lot about them, why they do certain things that they do, so on and so forth. So don't be shy =D
I was actually just trying to think of any reason for someone to go out for a stroll in the rain...not so much the particular question at hand! lol Tho...I think any wet and cold girl would gladly snuggle her bf for some warmth--so it could work for him (but there are much better suggestions that running out into a storm!!)
I was actually just trying to think of any reason for someone to go out for a stroll in the rain...not so much the particular question at hand! lol Tho...I think any wet and cold girl would gladly snuggle her bf for some warmth--so it could work for him (but there are much better suggestions that running out into a storm!!)
I know just playing with ya....but also well any wet chick would be happy to snuggle in general so maybe he should take her out in the rain or during a cold night. *eyebrow lift*
Sorry to look at this negatively but if you have tried to set the romantic mood before and she has not .... got romantic (grammar ?) maybe she is trying to hint at you that she is not ready for that .... just a thought ...
You very well could be right Matron, but being an optimist, I really think Mage just hasn't found that romantic spark yet! He just has to try things other than the traditional candy & flowers, she seems like a really unique girl and hence he must find her unique view of romantic... so this makes me think...
Mage---How about you ask her "If you had to think of the most romantic date ever, what would it be?" Maybe you will find your answer with her!!
I have no life at least i have a set of Game consoles and a whole bunch of games to drown my tears in the sound of master cheefs gun shots (Chief spelled wrong on purpose )
Oh and mage i know a girl like that ... but any way maybe you should just tell her that you wanna try and get a romantic mood going on maybe saying it right out might help a lot more ... just an idea
Well... I very much believe that I have a life outside of the cyber AG world! But I do love spending time on this thread, and therefore have spent lots of time here that I could have otherwise used more wisely/socially! lol
I very much believe that I have a life outside of the cyber AG world!
christians believe that there is one god and jesus is their savior. hindus believe in over 30 million gods. scientologists believe that there is some alien out there that abducts your soul, or something like that.