Ask away in here. Before you all go accusing me of being some loser, just don't. I know I'm not the girl master, but I do know a lot about them, why they do certain things that they do, so on and so forth. So don't be shy =D
^Well they did make an "Idiot's Guide to Sex". One of my friends got it as a joke present. It's pretty hilarious, and it was written by a sweet looking old Granny.
Hey, don't hate the thread Somers! Even though it's called "If you have a question about girls..." it's actually become a general love and dating discussion. I think we've had some good discussions here, so don't go knocking it before checking this whole thread out!
yea same here, tray is right... hey I got my one yea gift all thought up cause of this topic.... so if you hate the OP then dont even bother opening it :P
lola, you know you gotta say it like it is.... but some of these guys just dont get it *coughSomerscough* man I must be getting something ... XD wow im such a dork
Oh goodness... sometimes corny jokes are fun! I think that one wasn't too cheesy.
[Oh side note]My name is phonetically pronounced similarly to Trayz so... I think I rather be referred to as Trayz as opposed to Tray-- ok thanks [/rant]
My advice to all of those of you who need it is to give up on relationships. They waste time, money, and your dignity, so I would just avoid them altogether if I were you.
Oh Ernie... I understand that some people have some bad luck with relationships, but I tell ya, once you find the right person--I can be sooo worth it. Don't give up yet!!
My advice to all of those of you who need it is to give up on relationships. They waste time, money, and your dignity, so I would just avoid them altogether if I were you.
and what if you have a good time when you are wit that person, its the best time you ever had. and you dont spend money on eachother that much. and how is it your dignity?? if you avoid them altogether then you may miss out on your true love *sigh,starts day dreaming again*