Ask away in here. Before you all go accusing me of being some loser, just don't. I know I'm not the girl master, but I do know a lot about them, why they do certain things that they do, so on and so forth. So don't be shy =D
Seriously... 104 pages! I have a question, will a girl finding out about you being on this forum affect your chances? Seriously.
If a girl finds out that you are on this forum, simply find a picture of John's sexy face and say "this guy works here and he makes big bucks!"
You can be a geek/nerd/goth/emo/*insert common/uncommon stereotype here* and still be cool. I would say no, it does not ruin your chances of being in a relationship or being friends with the opposite sex. If the man or woman really cares that much about you being on a site that he or she doesn't want to go out or be friends with you, then he/she wouldn't be right for you. The guy will be too picky and narrowed about what you do throughout the relationship.