Ask away in here. Before you all go accusing me of being some loser, just don't. I know I'm not the girl master, but I do know a lot about them, why they do certain things that they do, so on and so forth. So don't be shy =D
i think i now understand why the ONE girl to ever comment here has not yet done so again; it's the fact that they're probably the ones laughing and chatting about how we're at each other's throats.
Thats cool. The thing is that I don't care what you think, and no matter what you say on here, deep down in the pit of your stomach you know that you've never been with a girl, and thats enough for me.
You're funny. xD
No, I was saying that you guys are here to ask questions about girls because you don't understand them, and you're saying that you can get chicks at the same time.
I didn't ask any questions... argument failed. LOL
Where did you get that idea? From the time I said you're stupid?
420, why dont you just shut the fuck up? we get it: YOU ARE DELUDED INTO THINKING THAT POT CAN'T HURT YOU IF YOU DON'T WANT IT TO. just let the rest of the people posting talk about the actual topic, maybe?
And I know what you're gonna do now, you and one or two of your buddies are gonna watch while you fuck up the day of a bunch of tweaky internet geeks talking about how to get chicks, in the town where they filmed animal house. let me ask, are you PROUD of yourself?
do you sleep well at night because you just play devil's advocate and argue for argument's sake? and force your opinions on those who you deem weaker than you?
people like you need to stick to what they know, and not what they want everybody else to know. if you can look yourself in the mirror and say some of the things you said to us to yourself, AND NOT LIE, then you just have some mere of your fun.
I feel this thread is going to be locked because of 420. But I'm laughing my brains at you boys thinking you know girls, when in reality, you know nothing! I'm a girl, just so you don't think I'm some hot shot dude mocking you. But seriously, if you want to know something, ASK! Muster up that courage, that's what were attracted to.