Ask away in here. Before you all go accusing me of being some loser, just don't. I know I'm not the girl master, but I do know a lot about them, why they do certain things that they do, so on and so forth. So don't be shy =D
*grumbles* Will you guys ever learn.... Don't you want a nice relationship that isn't built upon the foundation of just physical contact?
lol, it was a joke, but yes.
They portray themselves as "hard to understand" to gain identity.
some of them are actually pretty difficult to understand. and lots of inexperienced, tweeny to high school boys who play video games all day have no idea how to deal with girls, henceforth this thread.
it's impossible to unnderstand them at all. they get mad at you for something you didn't know about and break up with you because your not like "edward" "jacob" enough,
she loves it, she wrote it on everything, even our class t-shrit, some girls were annoying like that, nice or bizatch, i can't figure any of them out, i stopped trying along time ago though lol
see probably does, did you know that she and elena were lesbians for a month, and while we were going out, it was so weird, now shes going out with a sophmore and trying to seduce him after school everyday, its funny to watch. again to don't understand her, but it makes me laugh how dumb she acts might be nice to get back on topic discussing relationship questions that everyone can discuss and answer. Nurv & would be quite cool if you continued your discussion in your own threads. We've gotten some warnings from the Mods before about that in this thread... ok thanks!