I gtg, but I'll be back soon so anyways I'm going to make this quick.
As many have probably heard the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" Policy that states if you are gay or lesbian you can't be open about it or you won't be allowed in the military. I think the policy was pretty stupid... what is the opinion of AG? Do you agree with repealing it? I'll post more info later, I gtg
-Army sucks, let those fat stupid "world leaders" fight 1 on 1 if they want to war so badly and hate each other instead of creating false bravery of patriotism for killing other people for them.
Like the idea. Just put the two old guys in a cage, give them their golf clubs, and let them duke it out. This is probably better than war and genocide.
Maybe the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy shouldn't be an actual law, but in all honesty, there's no reason to ask or tell a person's sexuality unless they're hooking up, which should be prohibited in the army. I don't think I've ever told a single person I'm straight in everyday context; I don't see why it would be different for a gay person. Not to mention, I'd imagine there are a fair number of people in the army that don't tolerate gays. Telling them is not going to make your life any easier, especially if you end up in a ten year war or something crazy like that.