ForumsWEPRWhy do people kill animals if they kill humans?

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59 posts

Why are we any better than any other animal on this planet?
I think it ignorant if some one kills an animal just because it kille a human.
The human race thinks that they are better than any other animal in the world.(well mostly) Besies we kill animals all the time so why cant they kill us without someone going after it and killing it.
It would be like you going and huting and you kill a deer but once you eat it more deer come an kill you.

  • 107 Replies
5,579 posts

And, a rabid pitbull is a public threat, if it injures multiple people, possibly killing them, then it needs to be dealt with. Pitbulls don't have years of their life they can sacrifice for rehab or anything. Besides, pitbulls don't even live as long as other dogs, maybe 9 or 10 at the most.

Use a rabid german shepherd please. Simply because if you use pitbull one more time I will have to kill you to prevent the ignorance from spreading. Use a breed that is just as lethal but people look more upon as not a threat.

F your freedom of speech.
Dont take it as a god given right.

There is no such thing as a right. Not even the very life you live. At any moment that life you live could become garbage and be ripped out from you lifeless body.

they are using cancer cells to create the anti-virus... and since you also know nothing about cancer, it kills people, a lot of people. End-of-argument.

Cancer? Mutated cells maybe. But not cancer. No matter how many people who die (very few in this case), the international society would not allow it through if they were using cancer cells that cling to your cells.

Now, if it was normal cancer, and was just another external pest, your body would have 0% chance of getting it. You fail.
105 posts

Read up on it before you fail other people... I'm going to be the better person and just drop it, there's no need to drop down to your and his level...

996 posts

No its not you idiot, they are only giving you the live... they won't give the shot for a long time, if we aren't dead by then...

Dead Shot. Nasal spray is being used live. BOTH have been put out already-- WATCH THE NEWS. also, you get to choose dead or live.

And how many have still died? More than they tested it on... They are idiots... and so are you for thinking that the vaccine is safe...

no one who they tested it on died. the only people who have died did not get the vaccine and i'm not going to argue this with you anymore.
996 posts

Read up on it before you fail other people... I'm going to be the better person and just drop it, there's no need to drop down to your and his level...

YOU read up on it! you have no facts and the things you use as facts are so mindblowingly false, even a crazy hobo would slap you with a dirty sock.

go get some sources.
5,579 posts

Read up on it before you fail other people... I'm going to be the better person and just drop it, there's no need to drop down to your and his level...

Learn something about cancer. You obviously know nothing.

You still fail.

If I need to scream it to you you're not going to like it.
5,579 posts

Sorry about that TSL, my friend's brother was attacked by a pitbull, it was the first thing that cam to mind, sorry about that.

Chances are your friend either provoked it, it had something wrong with it, or it wasn't even a pitbull.

I've seen news stories (not just Fox mind you -.-) where they identified the dog as a pitbull, when in fact it was something completely different.

And I come from Florence, AZ, where 1 in 2 dogs are pitbulls, and 1 in 4 of those are fighting dogs. My parents probably had the only pitbull dog attack in years, even decades, and it was a simple flick that my mom decided to get in the way and one one my dogs turned against her.

Enough of my somehow on-topic rambling.
996 posts

No, you are, they aren't giving the dead virus, get that through your non-informed head. They are only giving the live nasal spray, and, if since you can't look up anything, they are using cancer cells to create the anti-virus... and since you also know nothing about cancer, it kills people, a lot of people. End-of-argument.

Wrong. They aren't using cancer cells. Cancer cells can only kill off cancer. The anti-virus is made up of a mix of swine, avian and standard flu viruses. And to whoever said no one has died of the vaccine... I know someone who did. And I almost died of the regular vaccine... It does kill.

And don't use a German Shepherd either. Yes, they have a bad side, just like pits... That doesn't make either breed bad. Better yet, stop blaming the dog, and start blaming the owners. I was attacked by both breeds as a kid. I'm still scared to death of dogs that look like fighting dogs, that will never go away. But I've always kept dogs in the home, to prove to myself and others that I won't let the attacks define me.
186 posts

because we are all selfish, ignorant basterds (dont deny it, your human)

1,573 posts

We are getting WAAAY off topic with the swine flu thing... go create another thread if you want to bring this issue up.

Um, why can't we NOT have balance? Animals don't play video games, have electricity, have ranged weapons, and a lot of other things. Are you saying we should give those up too because they are not fair to the animals?

We cannot afford to lose balance because if we do then WE die. Our fragile ecosystem dies. This world shakes us off like a gnat. Do you seriously think we can go on living this way.
And animals DO play games, they have ranged weapons, use tools, fall in love, and do lots of things we do. The difference is we do them ALL as a single species. Mostly using FAAAAR better tech (a stone just wont outdo a gun methinks).

And as for the pitbull. Sure waste the farcker. Thats what I would call a neccessary death. It threatens me and mine then I fight back. Thats a simple animal trait. Sad thing is... we bred pitbulls to be the vicious dogs they were. Why do you think poodles dont go around mauling ppl. We bred them that way. Pleeeeze ppl, dont be so ignorant to the hand humanity has in shaping the world. We wont know we have gone too far untill it blows up in our face.
2,837 posts

Live virus, Dead virus... morons.

Viruses are not living therefore they cannot die. I don't care what the idiotic unresearched lysol commercials tell you. What you can do is take an active virus and make it inert. It does not make it dead.

333 posts

Viruses are not living therefore they cannot die.

my anti-virus says different
1,751 posts

Our hands is also a big factor

5,642 posts

Why do people kill animals if they kill humans....

Badly phrased, but I think i kno wwhat you're getting at.

Because humans are arrogant! We think we run the place. We're stupid enough to beleive we're better than other animals.

333 posts

We think we run the place.

I think we run the planet, so we do what we want with our freedom. I don't kill animals, but, that doesn't mean we can't shoot one or two in our life time, its not like I'm going to go to hell if I kill an animal lol
5,642 posts

I think we run the planet, so we do what we want with our freedom. I don't kill animals, but, that doesn't mean we can't shoot one or two in our life time, its not like I'm going to go to hell if I kill an animal lol

Lemme logic this equation out for you...

You'll go to hell if you kill a human.
Kill animal =/= hell.
replace the "animal" with the correct term....
Kill Human = hell.
If you kill an animal, you should go to hell.
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