Why are we any better than any other animal on this planet? I think it ignorant if some one kills an animal just because it kille a human. The human race thinks that they are better than any other animal in the world.(well mostly) Besies we kill animals all the time so why cant they kill us without someone going after it and killing it. It would be like you going and huting and you kill a deer but once you eat it more deer come an kill you.
YOU may be a stupid animal, but I am not. The reason humanity is different is we have the concept of history, we record it and make our past known. We adapt our environment to us rather than adapting to it. We have the greatest mental capacity. And we are aware of our own existence, and not all animals can claim that.
God gave animals to humans for humans to do with as they wish.
Animals do not have souls, unlike humans who do. Therefore when we kill a human it is the death of a soul bearing person, not a fleshy automaton guided by instinct.
It does make us better at many things but our own "ingenuity" has cause 99% of problems on Earth
I bet you like global warming =P
Problem is I don't see it as a problem.
The earth is changing, sucks to be us. Good to be another organism. From our perspective this change might be bad but from another it might be good. There is no definitive problem with the Earth.
That's a terrible gauge, because bees live much shorter lives than humans but they server an insanely important function in this world and the world as you know it would be very much altered, whereas humans have never served a function pertinent to this earth.
also, sea turtles are one of the longest living animals and serve no pertinent function.
So wait, if you are saying lifespan is useless, the first thing that came to mind was, you think that the killing of a 4 year old is no different from the killing of an old person? They all just are the same then?
No but its the fact that lifespan was kinda used in a bad way here.. If we were to designate who gets more authority based upon life span, we would have animals that couldn't take higher in the food chain... Its the fact that we as humans see animals as lesser species than us.. And the fact is that it is true. They have less brain power than most of us humans do, and most of their brain is based upon survival instinct. This survival instinct goes completely out of sinc when some animals taste blood... They want to get the taste of it again and again and again... And it ends up seriously injuring people, and possibly killing very young and some old people. We'd rather keep ourselves safe, than keep an angry ravid dog thats hungry for more human flesh... Its just common sense. And if any kind of animal had as much brain power as we did, they probably would try to kill the one human being that did it to that animal (cuz they would know he would probably strike again). But because they dont have this basic instinct it shows me that they have not evolved as far as we have, and therefore dont understand the severity of killing another... So yea they need to be put down, and it shouldn't be a big deal.