Thought instead of continuing to thread jack the topic on abortion I would move this discussion into it's own thread.
The question is, are Humans animals? Can we even be compared to animals?
If we are not animals then what are we?
An argument was put forth we are socially not animals. On this I have to ask what is it socially that makes us truly that different? We pursue things just for the sheer pleasure of it? we see this behavior in other animals so that can't be it.
Another argument was we are not animals because unlike animals we have souls. If this is the case then what is a soul? What proof is there that such a thing even exists?
Were you there? Did you happen to see all this happen? One cannot prove such speculation to be true by any means.
I got to wonder what creationist website you got this argument from. This is a rather ignorant argument to make but I'm beginning to expect that from you.
Let's say you were in a car and you go past some police cars an ambulance and two vehicles that were heavily mangled. Would you say there was a car accident, or would you say I wasn't there, I didn't see it happen so I don't know what happened.
There is plenty of evidence left behind.
The main difference is that We have souls, animals do not.
Then please answer these questions. If this is the case then what is a soul? What proof is there that such a thing even exists?
We can drastically change its' environment, THROUGH overpopulation and through not having enough resources to satisfy our species-- this destroys the environment. all animals are capable of destroying the environment through overpopulation.
Well, good thing we aren't overpopulated.
Homo sapiens, is our actual name. Mammalius is our family. Animalia is our kingdom. We're animals.
This is starting to annoy me. We all get the biological classification system side of it.
My problem is people comparing us to animals on a social level. Oh we can kill other animals because we are animals ourselves. Well guess what? We aren't on that same level any longer, you shooting a hare is not the same as a wolf catching it.
have been scientifically demonstrated to have deductive capacities on par of that with humans
Yay, a point opposing mine I don't think is stupid!
But as a combination of body + mind, humans are the superior, we are the most successful beings on the planet. (Not talking in the eyes of Darwin =P)
We measure our success on different levels than animals.
Biologically yes. Socially no.
All other organisms adhere to evolutionary theory that the more "fit" organisms will produce more offspring resulting in an improvement in the species for that environment.
Problem is, not only does "fitness" not apply in our society, when anyonce can manage procreation, and it is likely the "unfit" will have more children.
But we do not need to evolve to suit our environment like the others do, we change it ourselves. We build homes, where we can control light, heat, etc.
The point is, the fact we are animals deosnt really make me feel uncomforatable. I think we are Animals, and like every other single living thing on this planet, we share our responsibilities. We differ fro manimals, because we sometimes deny that we are animals.
But really, where part of a huge community. And that is Earth. Whether we like it or not, we are animals. Because, even though we dont realise it, if we werent animals, we wouldnt have instincts. We wouldnt know how to walk on our own, speak, or think, without a guide. We all eventualyl learn to walk, we are all capable of speech a few motnhs after birth, without help. We are all able to learn without being taught. If we didnt have that skill, then we wouldnt be animals. But we are. And we see ourselevs as part of a order, the majority anyways. So therefore, yes, we are animals, and im god damn proud of it.
Humans are not superior to animals. I will continue to say this until we can fully, and maturely handle our power and responsibilities of this planet. And since we aren't, well, then we are no better than the ones who don't even know what planet means.
humans are superior to animals. we have the mental ability to create machines that can speed up production of (for an example) cotton by simply exponential values; machines that can completely tear down a pine tree, shave its' branches off, and cut it into lumber-size pieces in 20-40 seconds while performing in severe arctic sub-zero weather; as well as medicines to prevent many MANY illnesses (they're taken for granted too often, and there are new discoveries of ways to keep flus/etc from adapting to the flushots); as well as weapons that can destroy the world.
this is much more than any other animal can do. we have superior minds, and even though we don't use as much of our mind as other animals do, when we do use it, IT KICKS FUCKING ASS.
Humans, through their machinery, industrialisation and economic mores, have perpetrated more damage, destruction and suffering on this Earth than any other species, or even all of them combined, in the brief span of our recorded history.
Klaus, I'll see your bet and raise it to 30 that I'll die before I see aliens.
You don't have to give animals rights, I'll use my voice and reasoning to have the courts grant animals rights myself!
Animals don't need rights. The main factor that sets us apart is our ability to reason. If we start giving animals rights, it won't end. Then we will be fighting for the rights of fruits, or the plants that grow them. What's next, women?!