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2,837 posts

Quote from Charles Darwin: "To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree."

Division of the sexes makes the theory of evolution even more perposterous. Simple life forms do not have male and female genders. If we evolved from such creatures there is no way that suddenly a human could only reproduce with half of the rest of its race. It would make no sense whatsoever.

No missing links have ever been found, but plenty have been fabricated. Why have certain scientists gone so far as to make such farces seem as fact? Religion. How can you suddenly mistake a pig bone for a man's, honestly.

  • 50 Replies
1,303 posts

Not sure if I would read to much into that post his figures are quite a bit off

no I didnt think he was right.
9,462 posts

You evolve like a pokemon, that's why it's called evolution.

A better comparison would be like growing up. when your an infant you look very different from what you do when your an adult. As you age you slowly change. Evolution works in a similar manner. Each generation has a slight difference. Given enough generations you end up with something that is different.
996 posts

A better comparison would be like growing up. when your an infant you look very different from what you do when your an adult. As you age you slowly change. Evolution works in a similar manner. Each generation has a slight difference. Given enough generations you end up with something that is different.

that's more or less an accurate explanation.

evolution is the random variance of traits, some of those traits are favorable, there are not enough supplies for an entire population, the favorable traits produce more offspring (a.k.a. higher fitness), eventually the favorable trait'd offspring have more offspring and a new species (or just a species that better fits its' environment) is formed.
24 posts

Evolution is a lie just as Cake is a Lie

1,828 posts

evolution is the random variance of traits, some of those traits are favorable, there are not enough supplies for an entire population, the favorable traits produce more offspring (a.k.a. higher fitness), eventually the favorable trait'd offspring have more offspring and a new species (or just a species that better fits its' environment) is formed.

Well theres also how genes work too, Every cell in your body contains ALL of your DNA, that is all your genes, now threw various conditions genes are regulated on and off to form different cells. For example your skin has all your genes but in function as a tissue it act completely different from your bone cells which also contain all your genes. Now from generation to generation these cells can change. For example if your family were to move closer to the equator, where theres more sun then later generations of your family might produce more melanin, the chemical that makes skin tan.
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