Hey it's the Dr. I know I post strange things but her is a serious topic the AG community should talk about.
Yes this is a good topic. I look forward to the debate on this.
Starting off it has to be realized not every Christian holds this view on homosexuality. If you are a Chrsitian and don't think it's wrong for any reason I don't think this Dr. was talking about you.
Freedom gives you right to go against people. On Christians view, if everyone was gay the human race would go extinct.
This is pretty weak considering not everybody is gay, and not everybody is going to be gay.
That's one reason why they b1tch about gays, and there's plenty of more.
Now as for why a Christian would hold the belief that preforming homosexual acts are wrong, let's start with what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. From the King James version btw.
Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Romans 1:26-27
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
So, to many it's clear. According to the Bible God is against homosexuality.
I have to ask, does sex really play such a huge role in a truly loving relationship that if it's between two people of the same sex it becomes evil? If you were looking for a long term commitment is how good the person is in bed really the number one thing you look for, or is it things like there personality, do I want to share my life with this person, can you commit and have devotion to each other. Don't you find these things far more important? So why are all these things thrown out the window when it's two people of the same sex? Just because the Bible says it's wrong? I find it interesting how children can have an easier time understanding the concepts of marriage then some adults do.
Sesame Street: Grover discusses What Is Marriage?Another thing that get's brought up a lot is that homosexuality is unnatural. There's plenty of evidence contradicting this. As I have stated in a previous topic there are plenty of examples of homosexuality accruing in nature. Close to 1500 different species of animals have been observed demonstrating homosexual behavior. And really when you think about it how can anything really be considered unnatural?
Homosexuality: Unnatural?Some will argue it's all about the children and raising children and gay couples can't have children of there own. Does this mean a heterosexual couple unable to have children for what ever reason also should fall under this same category of it being wrong, and if not then why?
Some of the arguments will follow...
Gays and lesbians are not capable of parenting as someone heterosexual. usually because not having a parent of each gender will have negative effects on the children. Does this mean we should also prevent single parents from being able to be parents as well, because one gender is missing from the home?
Children raised by gay or lesbian parents will be more likely to grow up gay themselves. This is wrong, it has been proven nurture does not play a roll in weather a child turns out gay or not.
National Geographic explains the biology of homosexualityGays and lesbians are more likely to molest children. (you know like priests with alter boys) This is simply ridiculous. A case study was done showing 74% of pedophiles were heterosexual men. So I guess by this logic no heterosexual males should be parents, least of little girls.
The children will be harassed and teased by other children because they have gay parents. (I wonder where these children are learning to behave this way towards same sex couples)
So how do gay couples do with children?
ACLU Freedom Files: Lesbian & Gay Parents | FloridaBut what do the kids think?
Me and My Gay ParentsAnd see these three maladjusted children with LESBIAN parents.
Convesations with CHILDREN OF GAY PARENTS"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." You call it evil or an abomination. Well using this bit of the Bible then we can also say God didn't create us with the knowledge of good and evil so why are you going against God and concerning yourself with matters of good and evil?
Finally most likely the most honest answer "We don't like F*gs!" Okay, bigot...
Christianity for Christians, Gay Marriage for Gays