Class; Black Mage Level: 6 EXP: 0/150 Magic: Thunder (Hit low thunder damage) (5MP) Fire (Hit low Fire damage) (5MP) Blizzard (Hit low water damage.) (5MP) Sleep (10 MP) (50% Chance to put or remove a sleep status) Fira (15MP) (Hit good Fire Damage) Blizzara (15MP) (Hit good Ice damage.) Thundara (15MP) (Hit good Thunder damage.) Bio (20MP) (Hit high damage) Skill: Recall (Wait 2 Turns to use a Rank 3 Spell) HP:166/166 (20+ Due to Lunar Body) MP:162/162 Weapon:Mythril rod 24 Magic Attack Skill Points:0 Str; 3 Spr; 20 Spd;9 Defence:9 (8+ Due to Mythril Rod) Ally:Shadow Creature (HP:161/161) Level 5 (MP:105/105) (EXP:0/100) 2nd ally:Rose (HP:107/107) Level 5 (MP:191/191) (EXP:0/100) 3rd ally:Kain (HP:293/293) Level 7 (MP:47/47) (EXP:0/175) Quests: Money:4175Gil Items; 5 potions, 8 ethers, 10 Phoenix Down,12 Hi potions, Lunar Body (Equiped), Mythril Rod (Equiped)
What do you want?
Elite Mage Staff (42+ Magic) (2000Gil) Elite Mage Body (12+ Spirit) (3000Gil) Elite Mage Legs (7+ Def, 7+ Spirit) (2500 Gil Hi Potion 200 Gil Each Phoenix Down 200 Gil Each Full Phoenix Down 500Gil Each
I buy elite mage legs, then sell 4 hi potions and 4 phoenix downs, to try and gather up the money for elite mage staff. If it gets really close, I'll sell mythril rod too, to afford elite mage staff