Class; Black Mage Level: 6 EXP: 50/150 Magic: Thunder (Hit low thunder damage) (5MP) Fire (Hit low Fire damage) (5MP) Blizzard (Hit low water damage.) (5MP) Sleep (10 MP) (50% Chance to put or remove a sleep status) Fira (15MP) (Hit good Fire Damage) Blizzara (15MP) (Hit good Ice damage.) Thundara (15MP) (Hit good Thunder damage.) Bio (20MP) (Hit high damage) Skill: Recall (Wait 2 Turns to use a Rank 3 Spell) HP:106/166 (20+ Due to Lunar Body) MP:142/162 Weapon:Elite Magic Staff 42+ Magic attack Skill Points:0 Str; 3 Spr; 27 (7+ Due to Elite mage legs.) Spd;9 Defence:8 (7+ Due to Elite mage legs) Ally:Shadow Creature (HP:161/161) Level 5 (MP:105/105) (EXP:50/100) 2nd ally:Rose (HP:107/107) Level 5 (MP:176/191) (EXP:50/100) 3rd ally:Kain (HP:263/293) Level 7 (MP:47/47) (EXP:50/175) Quests:Lost Hero Money:575Gil Items; 5 potions, 8 ethers, 6 Phoenix Down,8 Hi potions, Lunar Body (Equiped), Mythril Rod, Elite Mage Staff (Equiped), Elite Mage legs (Equiped)
Ok... "I was a dark knight...for the city of baron. I thought to myself, If I was killing needed and why does the king want the crystal. That day I needed to deliver a ring to the village of mist with a other knight, Kain."
He tells a long story.
Shadow Says..
"I can't tell you...Sorry..."
What do you do?
Class; Black Mage Level: 6 EXP: 50/150 Magic: Thunder (Hit low thunder damage) (5MP) Fire (Hit low Fire damage) (5MP) Blizzard (Hit low water damage.) (5MP) Sleep (10 MP) (50% Chance to put or remove a sleep status) Fira (15MP) (Hit good Fire Damage) Blizzara (15MP) (Hit good Ice damage.) Thundara (15MP) (Hit good Thunder damage.) Bio (20MP) (Hit high damage) Skill: Recall (Wait 2 Turns to use a Rank 3 Spell) HP:106/166 (20+ Due to Lunar Body) MP:122/162 Weapon:Elite Magic Staff 42+ Magic attack Skill Points:0 Str; 3 Spr; 27 (7+ Due to Elite mage legs.) Spd;9 Defence:8 (7+ Due to Elite mage legs) Ally:Shadow Creature (HP:161/161) Level 5 (MP:105/105) (EXP:50/100) 2nd ally:Rose (HP:107/107) Level 5 (MP:161/191) (EXP:50/100) 3rd ally:Kain (HP:263/293) Level 7 (MP:47/47) (EXP:50/175) Quests:Lost Hero Money:575Gil Items; 5 potions, 8 ethers, 6 Phoenix Down,8 Hi potions, Lunar Body (Equiped), Mythril Rod, Elite Mage Staff (Equiped), Elite Mage legs (Equiped)
Geko (Boss) Warrior HP:399/1630 Damage:7-41
Theso (Boss) Healer HP:0/900 Damage:7-16
Fury (Boss) Thief HP:0/1127 Damage:21-37
======================================================================== Battle log You hit 409,291,327. Kain Jumps. Rose hits 391 on Geko with Fira. S.Creature hits 119 on Theso.
Geko hits 39 on you. Theso hit 11 on Kain. Fury hit 29 on Kain.
ROUND 2 You hit 431, 293, 274. Kain comes down, and hits 541 on Fury. Rose Hits 221 on Fury with Thundara. S.Creature uses Firaga and hits 484 on Theso.
Flag Name:Caberea Alaskas Level:3 EXP:39/50 Class: White Mage Magic: Cure (Heal a little bit of HP) (3MP) Cura (Heal some HP) (9MP) HP:53/53 MP:50/59 Weapon:Staff 10+ Magic Damage Skill points:4 Strength:5 Spirit:4 Speed:4 Magic Powers:10 Ally:Shadow (HP:75/75) Level 3 (MP:20/20) (EXP:20/50) 2nd Ally:Cecil (HP:200/200) Level 5 (MP:50/50) (EXP:0/100 Quests: Money: 550 Gil Items: 5 Potions, 5 Ethers, Knife
Ok... "I was a dark knight...for the city of baron. I thought to myself, If I was killing needed and why does the king want the crystal. That day I needed to deliver a ring to the village of mist with a other knight, Kain."
He tells a long story. Shadow Says..
"I can't tell you...Sorry..."
What do you do?
Class; Black Mage Level: 6 EXP: 50/150 Magic: Thunder (Hit low thunder damage) (5MP) Fire (Hit low Fire damage) (5MP) Blizzard (Hit low water damage.) (5MP) Sleep (10 MP) (50% Chance to put or remove a sleep status) Fira (15MP) (Hit good Fire Damage) Blizzara (15MP) (Hit good Ice damage.) Thundara (15MP) (Hit good Thunder damage.) Bio (20MP) (Hit high damage) Skill: Recall (Wait 2 Turns to use a Rank 3 Spell) HP:106/166 (20+ Due to Lunar Body) MP:122/162 Weapon:Elite Magic Staff 42+ Magic attack Skill Points:0 Str; 3 Spr; 27 (7+ Due to Elite mage legs.) Spd;9 Defence:8 (7+ Due to Elite mage legs) Ally:Shadow Creature (HP:161/161) Level 5 (MP:75/105) (EXP:50/100) 2nd ally:Rose (HP:107/107) Level 5 (MP:161/191) (EXP:50/100) 3rd ally:Kain (HP:263/293) Level 7 (MP:47/47) (EXP:50/175) Quests:Lost Hero Money:575Gil Items; 5 potions, 8 ethers, 6 Phoenix Down,8 Hi potions, Lunar Body (Equiped), Mythril Rod, Elite Mage Staff (Equiped), Elite Mage legs (Equiped)
Geko runs into this Black Shadow thing..
He comes back...
Geko (Boss) HP:2500/2500 Damage:29-38
What do you do?
Name: Black Mage Level:2 EXP:0/25 Class: Black Mage Magic: Fire (Hit low fire damage) (5MP) Thunder (Hit low Thunder Damage) (5MP) HP:55/55 MP:67/67 Weapon:Knife= 8 Attack Strength:3 Spirit:7 Speed:5 Ally:Bob (Focus) (HP:50/50) Level 2 (MP:17/20) (EXP:7/25) Quests: Money:155 Gil Items: 5 Potions, 5 MP Restores, Phoenix down
Class; Black Mage Level: 6 EXP: 50/150 Magic: Thunder (Hit low thunder damage) (5MP) Fire (Hit low Fire damage) (5MP) Blizzard (Hit low water damage.) (5MP) Sleep (10 MP) (50% Chance to put or remove a sleep status) Fira (15MP) (Hit good Fire Damage) Blizzara (15MP) (Hit good Ice damage.) Thundara (15MP) (Hit good Thunder damage.) Bio (20MP) (Hit high damage) Skill: Recall (Wait 2 Turns to use a Rank 3 Spell) HP:106/166 (20+ Due to Lunar Body) MP:92/162 Weapon:Elite Magic Staff 42+ Magic attack Skill Points:0 Str; 3 Spr; 27 (7+ Due to Elite mage legs.) Spd;9 Defence:8 (7+ Due to Elite mage legs) Ally:Shadow Creature (HP:161/161) Level 5 (MP:75/105) (EXP:50/100) 2nd ally:Rose (HP:107/107) Level 5 (MP:161/191) (EXP:50/100) 3rd ally:Kain (HP:263/293) Level 7 (MP:47/47) (EXP:50/175) Quests:Lost Hero Money:575Gil Items; 5 potions, 8 ethers, 6 Phoenix Down,8 Hi potions, Lunar Body (Equiped), Mythril Rod, Elite Mage Staff (Equiped), Elite Mage legs (Equiped)
Geko (Boss) HP:2027/2500 Damage:29-38
"FOOL, That will not work on me!"
(He seems to be under control.)
===================================================================== Battle log You hit 473. Geko uses Stun spore, It hits all your party, Other than you.