ForumsWEPRIf America was invaded!

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210 posts

Here is an interesting question, what if America was invaded by land, by another huge army. What I am saying is if both the east and west coast were invaded by millions of foot soldiers that would move across the entire country. Think of this if like a D-Day happened in America. So where would you go? What would you do? Would you fight or hide? Hey you never know if this could happen but America would probably have a nuke war before this happens.

  • 393 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Civilian guns are not armor peircing you can't fight a trained and well equiped military with shotguns.

No of course you can't. But you can carry out a vicious guerilla war, as the Iraqis and Afghans have so helpfully demonstrated. It wears out adversaries, the main aim is not to wipe them out by brute force, but by gradual attrition.
3,592 posts

No of course you can't. But you can carry out a vicious guerilla war, as the Iraqis and Afghans have so helpfully demonstrated. It wears out adversaries, the main aim is not to wipe them out by brute force, but by gradual attrition.

But how about vehicles most Americans don't know how to make explosives with normal materials so heavy vehicles on land would just destroy the guerrilla's
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

But how about vehicles most Americans don't know how to make explosives with normal materials so heavy vehicles on land would just destroy the guerrilla's

Are you so sure Americans do not know how to make homemade bombs? And who's to say that guerillas usually go toe to toe with enemy armor? As far as my knowledge of current events run, most guerillas/insurgents/terrorist groups use IEDs to knock out less armoured vehicles, carry out sabotage attacks on enemy bases, and the like. Hit and run generally. They don't slug it out like conventional warfare.
1,826 posts

No of course you can't. But you can carry out a vicious guerilla war, as the Iraqis and Afghans have so helpfully demonstrated. It wears out adversaries, the main aim is not to wipe them out by brute force, but by gradual attrition.

but they are comparatively well armed bcoz of there long history of war and violence.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

but they are comparatively well armed bcoz of there long history of war and violence.

American civilians alone own 120,000 machine guns. And that was nearly two decades ago. That's not counting the rifles, shotguns, and other assorted guns.
1,826 posts

American civilians alone own 120,000 machine guns. And that was nearly two decades ago. That's not counting the rifles, shotguns, and other assorted guns.

But what about experience?
Afghans had been in constant state of war for many centuries.
Iraqis too have many wars to their credit.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I'm pretty sure America still has numerous demobilised veterans from not too recent wars and interventions in Central America and Africa. Not to mention the National Guard members, who constantly train, but also hold a civilian job.

Worse comes to worse, you can call up the old grandads from the Vietnam era. Hopefully I'm joking.

1,826 posts

I'm pretty sure America still has numerous demobilised veterans from not too recent wars and interventions in Central America and Africa. Not to mention the National Guard members, who constantly train, but also hold a civilian job

Army reserves (national guards ) is a little more than 567000
All war vets and others combined will roughly make up not more than 2 million.
but then again invaders will have ti subdue regular army first.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

2 million resistance fighters? That's more than almost any regular size army anyway.

It should have sunk in early on, if not by now, that the enemy would have to be very confident, or have a few screws loose in the head to attempt to invade America.

3,675 posts

American civilian firearms not being able to penetrate armour:
-If you mean body armour: Bull, you can buy AP rounds for several civilian model firearms quite easily. Surplus magazines sell oodles of them for firearms ranging from the 10mm(<3) pistol to M4 and beyond. Hell, I've seen 10mm HP rounds punch through 1/10 inch steel easily.

1,826 posts

American civilian firearms not being able to penetrate armour:
-If you mean body armour: Bull, you can buy AP rounds for several civilian model firearms quite easily. Surplus magazines sell oodles of them for firearms ranging from the 10mm(<3) pistol to M4 and beyond. Hell, I've seen 10mm HP rounds punch through 1/10 inch steel easily.

From how far?
Body armors effectivness is measured from 14 meter distance
2 million resistance fighters? That's more than almost any regular size army anyway.

It should have sunk in early on, if not by now, that the enemy would have to be very confident, or have a few screws loose in the head to attempt to invade America.

First of all any country will be insane to attack on its own
534 posts

Have you ever done shooting sports? Millions of people children and adults alike learn how to use weapons properly through this sport. Because of the amount of weapons America owns Organizations such as 4H decided people ought to learn the dangers of the weapons as well as let them have fun. So if you notice children are learning how to use weapons.

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