Here is an interesting question, what if America was invaded by land, by another huge army. What I am saying is if both the east and west coast were invaded by millions of foot soldiers that would move across the entire country. Think of this if like a D-Day happened in America. So where would you go? What would you do? Would you fight or hide? Hey you never know if this could happen but America would probably have a nuke war before this happens.
hina's army is large but it is out of date. They still use WW2 weapons and planes from the 1960 and 70's.
India is the same, they are the 3rd largest. Neither China nor India have the technology or firepower to hold a good defense a very modern army such as the USA or the Russian Federation.
There's nothing wrong with WW2 weapons. And they are more technologically advanced than you think. And by what I found out, there are 4 Chinese soldiers for every 1 US soldier.
There's nothing wrong with WW2 weapons. And they are more technologically advanced than you think. And by what I found out, there are 4 Chinese soldiers for every 1 US soldier.
But when every U.S soldier gets as much time training as 4 chinese soldiers and better weaponry plus things like red dot sights and stronger grenades, not to mention better armor and camoflauge, China's army wouldn't do too great against us. Plus, an invasion on home soil is always easier to repel simply because the home army knows the terrain and the climate much better than the invading one. It would be EXTREMELY hard for any one country to invade the U.S using ground troops. They would have to get passed our navy AND our fighter jets before they could even land on our soil. It would be suicide almost for any one nation to attack us. Maybe 3-4 different nations at once because then we would have to divide our resources to fight them but even then it would be difficult.
terrorists want to instill terror into the American people. there are not enough people in the terrorist movement to necessarily invade America.
Maniacs would stay in a mental hospital or just go on a homicidal rampage, not necessarily invade America.
America doesn't have the best soil, or oil underground, or huge diamond/gold deposits, so our "enemies" are generally uninterested in invading America.
No matter how much people hate America and Americans in general, they do not understand that America is essential in the World economy providing goods and services to a lot of countries and also building up other country's economies. So I dont think anyone would want to invade America.
Every country will hit a brick wall if either the US or China falls, that's why we will never have a large scale warfare launched on either of them.
well for one, you can never say never because everything has some possibility no matter how small.
mainly: you'd think the same thing about the USSR, such a huge union acting as one country, a very large market, most workers of any national economy, yet it was attacked several times. people will still attack China/US just not as often.
We as Americans would not stand up for something like that. We would rally up and protect our homeland. Plus, Obama would do something like...send HIS army which consists of 100 thousands! I'm pretty sure we don't have to worry about happening anytime soon.
We as Americans would not stand up for something like that. We would rally up and protect our homeland.
You're saying Americans have more of a sense of unity and nationalism. And lay down like the citizens of other countries?
Just because the citizens have guns doesn't mean they would stand any chance against an organized invading force...especially American people. They would get to tied to places like their land and would fail at geurilla warfare as they would be less likely to be mobile...
Obama would do something like...send HIS army which consists of 100 thousands!
How many people are in the Chinese army? If I am correct it is more than are in the American. I believe approximately 3x more?
You're saying Americans have more of a sense of unity and nationalism
Well..... If there was a surge of troops on the shores of California, you bet that most people will stand up and fight for their home land. As much as you would if someone invaded New Brunswick or where the hell you are in the God forsaken land of Canada. xp
Just because the citizens have guns doesn't mean they would stand any chance against an organized invading force...especially American people.
Ironically... That's how we beat Great Britain. An Army of ragtag framers fighting for their homeland.
[/quote]They would get to tied to places like their land and would fail at geurilla warfare as they would be less likely to be mobile...[quote]
What! what are you trying to say? I didn't get what you were trying to say to me.