Hey did you here the guy who was fired from work for wearing a button...I'll go into details.
So this guy named Trevor Keezor worked at Home Depot before he was fired. He was fired for wearing a button that took a line from the Pledge of Allegiance saying "One nation under God". He was supposedly fired for violating the dress code. Anyway I'll post the link for you to read if you haven't.
Personally I believe that is was wrong for him to get fired. He was asked for another button that said "United We Stand" but he had not accepted to take that button. Anyway I believe that it is just morally wrong to fire someone over a button which had Trevor had been wearing for over a year already. It seems to me that he is being cheated because he had already been wearing that button but he gets fired over a year later. Now if there was a new boss with a new dressing code that would be more reasonable but that just isn't the case here. So I believe that it's wrong because he had been wearing for over a year.
yeah that was wrong, his boss must of been an athiest or didnt like the idea of God or christianity or something
No, probably not. Anyone can be afraid of being politically incorrect. It was most likely someone very high in the chain of command who ordered that, to stay away from lawsuits. People will sue for anything these days.
You know what really sucks for the guy..Trevor? He was doing the job in order to get money for college. Well...now he has to find another job. He was doing it because he supports his country and for his brother.
The only type of people I would think would be offended by "one nation under God" would be those that think it's politically unconstitutional for that line, since, you know, there are other religions besides Christianity. Other than that....A FREAKING BUTTON?? Christ...
Seems like a rather trivial thing to fire the person over. However he was first asked to remove the button and refused prior to being fired. Regardless of the reasons for being asked or weather he should have been fired or not, he should have complied with his bosses wishes.
"That's when he says The Home Depot management told him he would have to remove the button. Keezer refused..."
This I have to say is a pretty interesting story. I have heard of many businesses having issues with their employees expressing their religious beliefs in any manner in the workplace before, such as not celebrating Christmas in the office and such, but this one is a little.....too much for me. Its a button, and a reference to the pledge of allegiance as opposed to something like the bible. I'm not really sure about this situation, but can't say it looks good for Home Depot either way.
It's a private enterprise, and they have the right to do as they see fit, so I don't have any qualms about them asking to remove the button - after all, they don't necessarily want to be putting themselves forward in the wrong way toward their customers (either in a pro or anti-religious demeanour).
That said, there's some vicious double-standards with some religions. You could imagine the turmoil if they had asked an employee to not wear their turban.
In the constitution it states that we have religious freedom and that is what many came to this country for. But what I dont get is that he wore it for a year and they just now fired him. :S