Ok hers what you got to do 1.Be a capitalist in a Earthquake 2. Build a bank 3. Upgrade the bank at 50 money 4. Then Build a hospital set it to the manpower ganing thing 5. If the enemy is rushing do this Build a outpost and make tanks 6. If the enemy isnt rushing build antother hospital and set it to gaing manpower 7.Upgrade a hospital at 65 money and set it too recover 8. Do the same with the other one and set it too recover during this process of number eight you will get enough money to build a outpost do it because the hospital will finish its upgrading first set it too recover 9. Make the outpost build Manpower until 25-31 money then upgrade it 10. wait until its done upgrading and set it too auto build snips alot of snips there its done man my figers hurt
Bank Forge -> make as many scout as possible, make energy when idle Armory -> energy, keep producing scouts until you blockade the enemy. Never attack enemy base using your scouts, it's a waste of precious resources. Finally, make outpost and fully upgrade it. Invest everything into queens
Capitalist way of normal:
Armory -> money Forge -> energy Make outpost and upgrade forge once, order depend on what is happening Make 2nd Armory
Keep producing chronite, mk2 and phantoms depend on the situation. This will blockade the enemy easily, or if any enemy use missile, make queen asap and some hovers to stop the enemy mk2s, then upgrade the manufactury, make gladiator then remove an armory and replace with a hospital. Once you have gladiator+medic with queen support you will be invincible.
Yah but I don't really like queens as I usally play earthquake dogfight or safe skies . If you are afraid of missles I suggest you play cold wars or any of the above mentioned game types. Ta da no more problems with missles.
P.S. Here's a extra stratagy for dogfight I learned on you tube 1.build bank 2.build forge 3.build generator 4.build forge 5.spam scouts 6.barracade or camp 7. Sit back and wait a matter of seconds before the game ends it may be in victory or defeat but likely victory try it out as it works wonders for me!