I do not feel very comfortable around homosexual people, I feel like there out to get my bum haha. I really dont understand why i feel like this, whenever i spot a homo i stay as far away as i can. I feel homophobia is just a natural reaction to something you dont like, for example snakes or spiders its just a phobia. I think that this phobia will never go away in alot of people, just because its natural. Although many people over come their phobias. What do ou all think of homophobia or phobias at all?
The idea of being gay? Well, that could be paranoia. If you are gay, then by the time you hit puberty, you will know for sure, since hormones start activating then.
Is that afraid of gay people or of being gay and coming to terms with it? Because those are two very different things. The former pretty irrational but the latter is a serious issue.
The Idea of being gay would obviously scare you of Gay people, considering they ar accepting the idea of being gay? So sota weird o.O
Also -- Its not hereditary, for 2 reasons: most male gay couples don't get children
But if they did,you might list it there, if you grew up with 2 dads (akward..) the child may be inclined to do the same when older.
Also, You don't find out if your gay through hormones, that has nothing to do with it. The idea of being naked with another person does that on its own, so if your 15 or something then you'll get "Excited" with either a guy or a girl.
(When watching it it could be a different case, either showing homophobic-ness or the fact that you are simply not into it/disgusted by it/whatever)
.. So its a personal choice, I'd guess, but with limits, since I don't support homosexualism myself. And it would be weird if I was next to someone that was, but I doubt I would end up dying.
Well I meant that in a sence of.. only if I knew that they were on a personal note. I.E., I meet a person, later he reveals he's gay, and then yeah, repeat: Kinda weird on my part.
Again: I doubt I would die, or feel "Homophobic", probably just one of those feelings like "That is weirdish o.O"
Btw, camp?
And I know not all Gay people act femenine, most are normal.
I like most straight people call most of my friends gay as a joke because I know they are not. But I also know a few gay people men and women witch I make the same joke the other way round this is just friendly and I would never say it to someone I did not know well enough. Also the only time I feel uncumfortable with gay men(never with women because lesbians are gods greatest creation)is because living in a tourist place means getting hit on by gay men happens. It does not matter though they are the best tippers. I work at a bar on a Greek island.
How on earth would you know if a random customer of yours is gay or not to figure out that his tip is higher than a straight mans? XD
I don't get- oh, wait, that's stupid.
and Lesbians don't really turn me on much. Meeeeh.
Much, heh heh.
I'm against homosexualism just for ethnic reasons...
Such as?
Also, You don't find out if your gay through hormones, that has nothing to do with it. The idea of being naked with another person does that on its own, so if your 15 or something then you'll get "Excited" with either a guy or a girl.
Right. Hormones. It's all chemicals, as much as we like to think there's something deeper.
Much.. Well, I mean, you can't help it if you see a girl. But ANYWAY.
I'd love to go into the debate with you, but that happened when the Armor Games "Oldies" were around -- The homosexualism thread (Wherever it is) contains most of it, it had a bunch of pages.
But talking about that on this would lead off of the thread, thus making it irrelevant, so I won't go into it.
And seriously. I don't see how someone would realize if gay men leave better tips o.O...