
310 49654
123 posts

I do not feel very comfortable around homosexual people, I feel like there out to get my bum haha. I really dont understand why i feel like this, whenever i spot a homo i stay as far away as i can. I feel homophobia is just a natural reaction to something you dont like, for example snakes or spiders its just a phobia. I think that this phobia will never go away in alot of people, just because its natural. Although many people over come their phobias. What do ou all think of homophobia or phobias at all?

  • 310 Replies
890 posts

I think I might have homophobia. One day I went to a restaurant called Olive Garden. Me and my dad saw these three guys with purses and they talked with their hands(not like you do if you're deaf). It was scary...

3,224 posts

I think I might have homophobia. One day I went to a restaurant called Olive Garden. Me and my dad saw these three guys with purses and they talked with their hands(not like you do if you're deaf). It was scary...

I lol'd.

It's not something you catch, like a contagious disease. A phobia is an irrational learned response to a certain stimuli, in this case gays.
10,816 posts

I'm sorry, but you completely missed the point

I totally did.

What are you going to do about it?
1,455 posts

Funny, I know a gay guy serving in the Royal Marines, and he's just been accepted onto the training course with the Special Boat Service, the Navy Seals of the British armed forces. I guess bing gay, he must be a ***** too.

Funny, you seem to have no idea what my post meant. It says you CANNOT help it if you are gay, but you CAN help how you act. NOWHERE did it say that gay people all act a certain way. If you CAN help how you act, that MEANS that not all gay people act the same way. Pay attention NEXT time (just like the caps).
3,224 posts

NOWHERE did it say that gay people all act a certain way.


You can help it if you act like a p.ussy.

So what was that?
1,455 posts

So what was that?

Do all gay people act that way? No. I said you can help the way you act, not your sexuality. I don't understand how I could be more clear. You cannot help it if you are gay, you can help how you act. Plain and simple. Gay people do not all act a certain way. That sentence you used doesn't even contain the word *gay*. If you STILL do not understand, read my original post CAREFULLY. I do not have the time or the patience to explain a sentence with ten words, most of which we all learned within preschool.
3,224 posts

If you chill out for a sec you'd realise it was a simple misunderstanding.

I misread your original post, which was this:

You can help it if you act like a p.ussy.

As this

You can't help it if you act like a p.ussy.

Leading me to the conclusion you believed all gay people acted like p,ussys.

Thus my post came into being. No harm done.
1,455 posts

Sorry, Firefly. I just get steamed when people think I'm a gay-hater. I'm a Christian, and I disgree with the idea, but I am open to people believing and doing what they want so long as they affect only themselves. It's always been my pride. I only capitalized so it would stand out, in case there was a misunderstanding.

3,224 posts

No problemo. At the time of writing, you were perfectly justified in saying what you did.

501 posts

Yes it is true that they are indeed humans... Just messed up ones... Honestly, I love to rationalize reality. I have come up with explanations for emotions but this subject seems to elude my on the purpose of it... It makes no sense, theolistically OR evolutionarily...

First I'll look at theology: It makes no sense. Every religion out there disapproves of it and almost all have foundations for some type of marriage between men and women (and thus hetero). Dieties in general command humanity to be productive, honest souls who respect their spouses (who are commanded to be of the opposite sex.) Take the big three monotheistic religions. All greatly discourage it and some (at least one) order the death of those involved.

Evolutionarily it doesn't make sense either... assuming for a moment that evolution was true, the the fittest humans would be those that reproduced the most. This is complete opposite of what homosexuality is however. It prohibits reproduction and thus makes no sense in a Darwinian world...

If you ask me, it makes no sense why but they are out there. Perhaps they are desperate, terribly confused, or enjoy out-witting their subconscious...

As for the fear mentioned, the reason is simple. It is a bit like a disease. We attempt to stay away from it for fear of getting swept up into it ourselves. If you are religious, you justify this as obeying God's word. If you are atheistic, it is merely doing what is best for homosapiens.

That is all.

1,101 posts

well scientifically, its because their is an unbalance of some neruons and chemicals in the brain... This is just slightly different then Heterosexuals, but it causes the unusual likement in the same sex. But of course all the theory above that was mentioned i find correct. If the world was to fully turn gay, there would be no more babies, thus ending lifes cycle. Theoretically I find it wrong, but it is one's life, and I try not to act any different around homo's...

9,434 posts

Evolutionarily it doesn't make sense either... assuming for a moment that evolution was true, the the fittest humans would be those that reproduced the most. This is complete opposite of what homosexuality is however. It prohibits reproduction and thus makes no sense in a Darwinian world...
Considering how social humans are, it is less important for everyone to reproduce. Having individuals in the pack who do not use their time taking care of their own offsrping means more available working hands as well as more to look after the young of those who do reproduce. There's the benefit.

As for religions, who gives a f*. Religion as an argument is irrelevant for people not of that religion. If you follow a religion that are against homosexuals, fine. Be so in your own space, not the public one where other beliefs exist too.

Also I really don't get why religions are against it. Then again, I don't get most things about religions.

If the world was to fully turn gay, there would be no more babies, thus ending lifes cycle.
Gays may want kids despite being gay. Sperm donation -> insemination is a very valid way of procreating.
64 posts

Gays ---- want kids ------- being gay

i knew it
9,434 posts

i knew it
That's quite a - stupid post, you know. I'm guessing fail at funny.

Gays (in geneael) do not specifically want kids to be gay. -.-
64 posts

That's quite a - stupid post, you know. I'm guessing fail at funny.

Gays (in geneael) do not specifically want kids to be gay. -.-

Have you noticed how we constantly give gays more rights, and then more people come out as gay? They're just using their rights to turn people gay.
Showing 286-300 of 310