is it just me and colorado but it seems to me only "white people" are called racists nowadays..... like i saw this mexican dude walk up to black dude in school and the mexican dude complete shouted out "N****R!!" and i mean this was like a TRUE gangster too.
and like whenever a white guy would do it wed get in a fight.
now before you say its the history behind it... no its not. honestly can you say that a 16 year old black dude not in UJIMA cares about the history behind that word??? nope
it just seems to me like only white people get harased and called "racist"
is this just like a rediculous colorado thing or does this seem to be going around all over america
p.s. i KNOW that the two peopl mentioned above werent friends either
Ehh, I thought the same thing. But there's not much you can do. We're supposedly the "white devils". I mean, I'm sorry for what my ancestors did, but why should I be sorry? I'm not the one that enslaved them. Oh, and I am not a racist. I'm just expressing how I feel.
the problem i have is there arrogence...these people dont give a rats ass about the past, or "what our ancesters did" and its like how can you call me a racist when you call me big white on the basketball court all day (wich im not complaining cause thats the best nickname ivbe ever had XD). it just makes me wonder when why its okey to call sombody a racist when any other person can walk up to you and say it (not saying that i do though 0_o)
it just makes me wonder when why its okey to call sombody a racist
Provocation will be your death. In other words, don't say someone is racist and don't be racist. Doing either of those things will get you in a serious fight from the sounds of wherever you live.
Not being racist is the easy part, since only extremely ignorant people are racist. But when someone is racist, tell them they are racist. If they can't handle it they need to grow up.
it is unfortunatly.... i hate the hood im going to move to one of those preppy white schools were nobodys a hater....
Provocation will be your death. In other words, don't say someone is racist and don't be racist. Doing either of those things will get you in a serious fight from the sounds of wherever you live.
unfortunatly the african american population gets away with whatever they want because people dont wannna be called/harrased racist
That's true, but unless you want to take to the angry fist smeared with your blood, I would suggest that you don't. Of course, this only applies to certain areas of living. It just sounds like delossantosj lives in a place where he would have a cheat with the angry fist for saying someone is racist. I could be wrong again, but just saying.
That's true, but unless you want to take to the angry fist smeared with your blood, I would suggest that you don't
I would love to see someone try to hit me for telling the truth. Lets just say they would lose. oh and if they do manage to win, well thats what friends are for.