ForumsWEPRcan only....

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is it just me and colorado but it seems to me only "white people" are called racists nowadays..... like i saw this mexican dude walk up to black dude in school and the mexican dude complete shouted out "N****R!!" and i mean this was like a TRUE gangster too.

and like whenever a white guy would do it wed get in a fight.

now before you say its the history behind it... no its not. honestly can you say that a 16 year old black dude not in UJIMA cares about the history behind that word??? nope

it just seems to me like only white people get harased and called "racist"

is this just like a rediculous colorado thing or does this seem to be going around all over america

p.s. i KNOW that the two peopl mentioned above werent friends either

  • 43 Replies
1,714 posts

u know what my point is stupid lets go with moes lol

While my point is good yours is relevant, cracker was originally a racist word, but now its just a joke and has no real meaning.
6,672 posts

most white slurs are.... i lol'd so hard when i saw these

2,837 posts

This is from King John, by Shakespeare: What cracker is this same that deafs our ears with this abundance of superfluous breath?

1,751 posts

I don't get your point. I am a buddhist so that part just fails. Also I have friends that are Jewish, African American, Hispanic (some find Mexican insulting, i dont know why I never asked), European and I'm American. I don't care where you're from or what your beliefs are. I base my decisions on how individual people act, with no thought at all to race or religion.

I'm jewish from Israel. The point is that most people when they get to a new community his pick who his first friend will be based on race.
996 posts

I've been asking the same question my entire life. Especially now, after being accused of racism (in which the accuser was, and I didn't say a thing). I hate being treated lower because I'm white. I hate not being able to have pride in my race like others can. America is really messed up.

370 posts

black people are WAY more racist than white people.
i get slaged for being white sometimes and when i say something back to them in defence they go crazy, but i dont give a....
thats the only way to stop all this, just dont give a....

5,552 posts

I think I have the answer. One, other races feel like we think that we are superior still, even though i've never met a rasicst that was white. Also, it really bugs me when people say, "Well, africans were slaves for over 250 years" as an excuse for them hating me or something. It's not MY fault that they did that. I never would have even thought of rasicm or slavery or any of that stuff, school introduced it to me. When I was 6, I noticed that this guy had different color skin and I asked my mom why, and she just said that's how he was. Until 6th grade, I didn't think any more on that subject. Nowadays though, if your white, it's like it's your fault for all the wrong things in the world. It's strange too, black people walk up to each other and say, "Hey, what's up N****r!" And they are all fine with it, but if a white person were to say that, they'd get into a fist fight. Also, it's kind of an unspoken thing that if you go against anyone who's not white, your a rasicst. Like when Obama was running, I beleive he won in a large part due to because he WAS black. I mean, one, he got almost every african americans vote, then he got white peoples' votes because they were afraid to be called a rasicst by others for voting for a white guy instead of a black guy. It's like we are all scared to do ANYTHING that might be misinterpreted as rascism. It's all very very strange in my opinion on how this worked out.

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