Sigh. Why did this have to happen? As if we aren't in debt enough. Sure we aren't as screwed as Japan is per person thanks to when they tried to spend their way out of a Depression in the 90s but we sure are catching up to them.
As for the what was said, not who, what about the things the republicans were saying was true/worth hearing/had any sign of intelligence? I do support the bill for what it says and what I believe it can do for the country, but the republicans failed so bad in their response that I support it even more than I would if they hadn't gone nuts.
That's all fine, but what you are saying is that you DIDN'T know what to think, so you listened to slander from the opposing side and then decided to support it. I'm not going to be less conservative because people in the party I tend to support say something ignorant.
I did originally support it for what was in it, but it changed and I was too lazy to keep up with what it was changing to.
If this is true, then how can you support the bill for what it says? I don't know enough about this bill to fully support or disagree with it, but if I had to choose, I would have to go against it. I can't begin to predict the consequences, as both sides have completely different views, and despite the time it took to get this bill voted on at last, the 1000+ pages PLUS revisions still makes it seem like a rushed bill. I cannot support a rushed bill.
Good thing that isn't my full reason for supporting it, I support some of it because I think it will work, I support the rest of it because of the republican reaction. Please read the entire post and THINK about it before responding this time.
You finally said something other than because Republicans don't like it. Now what part do you think will work?
I never said that public schools were bad, I said that they were the first thing to be governmently controlled. Look at how it's made private schooling. Kind of excluded everyone that doesn't have a surplus of money from going to them. Also, for some reason, they don't want vouchers, why would that be? Still your tax money, why not transfer?
the reason this bill took so long to pass, and why so many take so long to pass, is that the entire thing was read. this bill started off in the spring, it's been half a year since the main bulk of it has been presented. that main part has been edited maybe twice, but other than that it's been mostly just additions (earmarks, abortion, etc) and deletions.
No, the reason it took so long to pass was a, constant debating over it, b, all the add ons and take outs. Just because it's long doesn't mean it's a good bill, it means that they have more chances to mess with it and screw it up further.
despite the time it took to get this bill voted on at last, the 1000+ pages PLUS revisions still makes it seem like a rushed bill. I cannot support a rushed bill.
Just wondering, but if you consider 1000 pages plus revisions RUSHED, then what do you consider thought out? It took them about 8 months to work out this bill. Let's see how long it takes you to write 1000+ pages of laws and stipulations. Not that im for the bill, but you seem to think that it's very easy to make a bill and get it passed.
You do realize he has done absolutely nothing with it?
You do realise that you are incorrect? This is one of his chief ideological aims, and has been for years. The President can't affect the progress of the Bill directly due to the separation of powers and all that, but if it weren't for him, it would have never been introduced in the first place.
Of course this is a good thing. You Americans pride yourselves on being the most successful affluent nation in the world, and yet tens of millions of your citizens can't afford basic healthcare. In my eyes that's a total disgrace.
Also the argument that you should earn healthcare is complete bullshit. Considering that the US has one of the lowest levels of social mobility of all developed nations, if you are born unable to afford healthcare, it has been statistically proven you are likely to die poor unable to afford healthcare. Logically, some provision should be made for these people who have drawn the short straw in life.
Just wondering, but if you consider 1000 pages plus revisions RUSHED, then what do you consider thought out? It took them about 8 months to work out this bill. Let's see how long it takes you to write 1000+ pages of laws and stipulations. Not that im for the bill, but you seem to think that it's very easy to make a bill and get it passed.
I think you misunderstood me. I don't think it's easy to make a bill and get it passed. I'm saying that yes, it should take a long time, and it really didn't, considering the size and revisions. I guess I shouldn't say it's a rushed bill; it's more like it was rushed to get through, that there wouldn't be much time to read through it AND comprehend the positives and negatives of the meaning, disguised with a wide range of vocabulary that the average American doesn't even understand.
Just because it's long doesn't mean it's a good bill, it means that they have more chances to mess with it and screw it up further.
What you said here pretty much sums up my thinking on the bill.
Republicans are just a group of elite Fascists who don't want others to have what they have. They want to keep themselves on top, and keep the poor at the bottom.
This bill will tax the rich so they can help the poor. Considering most of the rich got there through exploitation, swindling, paying crappy wages, I think they should pay for universal health care.
Should people not be rewarded for their successes? It's called capitalism, get used to it.
Most of the wealth in the US is either inherited or won by luck. As I said before, the 'American Dream' is a myth. Studies have shown the US to have an extremely low level of social mobility, indicating that success is not derivative of talent or effort.
Republicans are just a group of elite Fascists who don't want others to have what they have. They want to keep themselves on top, and keep the poor at the bottom.
I would have thought-- no, wait, that was completely expected of you.
Guys, capitalism sucks, but I'm not waiting for people I don't even know to help me with sh*t that should only be handled by ourselves. When the government pays for you, you are naught but a slave to them. I'll pay for my own sh*t, and that's final.
And if I get more than a $20 tax increase, I'll see you all in a federal prison, 'cause I'm not paying for them. Never. I have my own problems to worry about.
This bill will tax the rich so they can help the poor. Considering most of the rich got there through exploitation, swindling, paying crappy wages, I think they should pay for universal health care.
I live below the poverty line, and I'm still going to pay for it. That's bull sh*t, plain and f*cking simple.
Republicans are just a group of elite Fascists who don't want others to have what they have. They want to keep themselves on top, and keep the poor at the bottom.
This bill will tax the rich so they can help the poor. Considering most of the rich got there through exploitation, swindling, paying crappy wages, I think they should pay for universal health care.
We are a communist country now because private insurance comapanies have lost the power to do certain things to their customers.
Studies show this and studies show that. Tell ya what, lets have a studies war. For every study you show I will bring a study that shows the exact opposite. Studies show whatever the funder wants them to show. The reason for that is simple, money! If your study does not show what I paid for then I discard it and get someone else to do the study to show what I want. One thing is fact is that we have had an abnormal amount of research, art, and progress in many fields untill recent years. The droppoff seemed to happen between the years that Clinton signed NAFTA and jobs started to leave this country and when Bush signed the Chinese free trade agreement and accelerated that movement. But don't take my word for it. Ask your parents and grandparents. They are a treasure trove of knowledge and history if you keep politics out of the facts. Older the better because all they want to do is pass on stories of the past. Learn before it's too late. But then again lets just tax the rich out of this country so they leave with our money and we never see it again. Then we are all poor and equal.
I live below the poverty line, and I'm still going to pay for it. That's bull sh*t, plain and f*cking simple.
People who live bwloe the poverty line can't afford computers. Much less the monthly internet provider costs. As you so eloquently put it - plain and f****** simple.
Honestly Republicans and their BS. I always imagine them listening to Michael Savage, calling everywhere other than the US the 'turd word', Alex Jones telling them everyone else is out to kill them for fun, and Glenn Beck assembling the next Protocols of the Elders of Zion, (only this time its communazi atheist muslims armed with healthcare and not hesistating to use it) all day, and then popping a vein if they so much as think one of their favourites may have been made fun of.
Aren't they adorable, with ther double standard so large that they have carved entire political movements out of it.
Republicans are just a group of elite Fascists who don't want others to have what they have
Hmpf. Next time YOU by a candybar, with your OWN MONEY, its mine.
We are a communist country now because private insurance comapanies have lost the power to do certain things to their customers.
Smart---: No, because the people of the USA can still elect representatives into office, and can 'choose' what said representative does. SO no, we are not a communist country.
And by implying that this country is Communist, wouldnt that mean that Nancy Pelosi, Obama, etc, etc, are also Communist? Hmmm? And if we ARE Communist (which we arnt) then it must have missed my neck o' the woods, 'cause we sure as heck aint' communist. Period.