If you don't need it, why get it? Your injecting yourself with deadly things to protect you from something that isn't even that deadly...
You don't get the vaccine when you get the disease, you get it BEFORE the disease. Having the disease is the last sign that you should know about. Having no signs is the first, and you should act before the virus does.
Or you could be a complete germaphobe and go everywhere in a biohazard suit.
considering people have died from this so much quicker than the regular flu has done, because this is a new virus, I would actually do something, and even more, act mature about everything related to it.
considering people have died from this so much quicker than the regular flu has done, because this is a new virus, I would actually do something, and even more, act mature about everything related to it.
It's because no one was exposed to it, so they didn't have antibodies to kill it once exposed right away.
Many people have dealt with seasonal flu, so they have antibodies against it already.
Also, viruses are not cells, but are much smaller as they infect cells to replicate.
Viruses are sort of like single organelles inside a cell. They are alive in a very basic way, since things that are not alive cannot reproduce like viruses can.
Honestly, I think people are overreacting to the swine flu. I mean really, THAT many people havent died from it, and the only people that did had other MAJOR medical complications so yeah you should get vaccinated, but dont all OMG SWINE FLU IS GONNA KILL US
considering people have died from this so much quicker than the regular flu has done, because this is a new virus, I would actually do something, and even more, act mature about everything related to it
I personally would rather make a wise (or not so wise) crack and have a sense of humour about it all.