According to a new study, the world is falling out of love with Capitalism. 26 or 27 countries surveyed (Turkey the only dissenter) agreed that there needs to be more government regulation, or a completely different economic system in place.
The free market created this economic mess, and people around the world are making it clear, the free market has to go.
The government has gotten more and more involved, and things haven't been getting better.
REALLY? the reason we got into an economic crisis is because of unregulated banks. we didn't nearly have enough gov't control (or even recognition that the banks were there, considering the types of home loans they made) and the markets. fucking. crashed.
and people call for less government involvement? pah!
No no no no. This economic crisis has been a long time coming. It's been caused by our unsound money system. Our government tried to create an artificial bubble in the housing market, and it was followed by the crash we have experienced. They tried to just "create" credit in order to boost the economy. But since it was not based on anything, the malinvestments caught up to us all eventually. That's the overall cause. Central banking is what's always screwed us. It's the only common factor in all these recessions.
No matter what people do, it's the government's fault somehow. This time, people say not involved enough, later, it will be that we are being oppressed by the government. Here's the cold, hard truth. People are too stupid in general to make logical, thought-out, and possible choices to run their lives. If you put everything in the hands of the common person, everything goes upside down. Why did the banks fail? Because people kept taking out loans when they couldn't pay them back. Why did the banks allow it? Because they were stupid and couldn't think ahead 50 years and see that eventually, they wont get money back. The point of a loan is to make money, not give it away. If the people taking out loans have absolutely no money, then the banks fail. Capitalism is a good system if peope aren't stupid and abuse it, but, as the case for every thing with humans, we get greedy and selfish and ruin just about everything.
the reason we got into an economic crisis is because of unregulated banks. we didn't nearly have enough gov't control (or even recognition that the banks were there, considering the types of home loans they made) and the markets. ****ing. crashed.
You are a very uninformed moron. The government forcing banks to make loans that they knew were unwise so that credit would be available to everyone and their grandmother screwed everything up. The government should have no control over the banks. The federal bank failed long ago and it should have ended there. Still they manage to interfere and by forcing banks to do things that no smart banker would ever do has ruined us.
the reason we got into an economic crisis is because of unregulated banks
Allot of it was their variable intrest rate plans that go from 3% intrest to 25% interest in 2 months. I think the gov't just moderated the wrong part of of the bank dealings...
[/quote]go to church[/quote] the above qoute is about my pointing out The Gospel of wealth I would like to explain that it is about how people should manage wealth not a religous book.
It's been caused by our unsound money system
yes but lets not forget things such as The ridiculous bank happenings, Inflation, dayholders, morons, etc etc.
Not to say i wouldnt mind changing things back to the gold standard can you imagine the worth of the dollar with that....
I'm not suprised that people don't want a handfull of extremely power and rich people controlling their "enviroment". I personally like and dislike it. But I don't support the idea of untalented people making more money in 2 hours than a normal person would make in an month or more.