Why does everyone think that 666 is the number of the beast? Most bibles should have a footnote that states that older manuscripts said 616. Any that don't are obviouly lacking. How did such confusion come to exist, and which one is actually correct? I personally think that older manuscripts are to be more trusted than the comparably newer ones.
Note of interest. In the series Left Behind, which by the way has heresy slipped neatly in the cracks, they use the number 216, being the cube of 6 to correspond to the beast's number. A door in my father's garage randomly has that number imprinted on it. Also my sister thought it was super bad that her three names each have 6 letters.
As far as I know 616 is the actual number (according to the bible) I always laugh when I hear the story of the bus soute that had its number changed from 666 to prevent people being scared to 616.... big mistake.
Quick note: the fear of 666 Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is and the fear of 616 is Hexakosioidekahexaphobia
this information on the number of the beast being 616 instead of 666 is actually rather new information. Thus far the oldest script we have found has the numbers being 616, this was found in 2005.
I've never heard of humans having a number, and I didn't know the numbers were to correspond with eachother.
I think the number, (666 or 666), is pretty ridiculous. Of course this is coming from an atheists point of view, it still sounds like something a Christian wouldn't even look much into. I mean, it's just a number, nothing too significant. I can understand a Christian questioning the number, but being scared over it. Hmm, I guess I'd have to be in that person's shoes to actually know what they are thinking. As for me, I'm just going to continue living without fear of the infamous 666...
I have been seeing the number 666 quite alot lately...
I've seen a lot of numbers recently. You know why? It's 'cause they're everywhere. It's just a coincidence when you see the number "666". If you had the number "73" stuck in your head, you'd probably see it everywhere too.
The number of man is 6 as we were made on the 6th day.
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The numbers of God can be seen as 1, 3, and 7.
Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Revelation 4:5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
These are many interpretations of what various biblical numbers mean. Some articles on it are fairly good, while others are crap.
It's just what people think of for superstitious things. I don't know where it came from, but it's the same thing as black cats, walking under ladders and breaking a mirror, i've done all of those and nothing happend. 666 is not the number of the beast, and for one, WHY would he even "have" a number. You'd think that if he was real he would want to stay as inconspicuous as possible...
Lol he must be stuck reading Revelation 13:18 over and over again.
One idea about 666 if that really is the number is that it represents the unholy trinity. 6 is the number of man, and 3 is the number of the trinity, so 666 would be man trying to become God.
Hold on..... Something tells me 616 has to do something with me.
winner of dumbest comment of the year.
I think the number, (666 or 666), is pretty ridiculous. Of course this is coming from an atheists point of view, it still sounds like something a Christian wouldn't even look much into. I mean, it's just a number, nothing too significant. I can understand a Christian questioning the number, but being scared over it. Hmm, I guess I'd have to be in that person's shoes to actually know what they are thinking. As for me, I'm just going to continue living without fear of the infamous 666...
666 is just something written in the bible, to date the most recent bibles state that the beast appears with 13 heads and inscribed on its torso is the number 666. and it is said that whoever writes the number 666 on their hands will be spared by the beast. metaphorically speaking, there is no beast, rather a judgment day where everyone is presented in front of god and judged based on his actions, by writing the number 666 you are forgoing the judgment and free to do whatever but the price to be paid is eternal damnation. That is what the King James seminary came to the conclusion of.
666 should not be feared rather acknowledged because if a christian believed in Christ dying for everyone's sins they should not fear the number, which is a metaphor for evil.
unfortunately I put my christian past behind me and now. so the number do0esnt matter to me anyway.
Lol, 616 and 666 are both major parts of numerology in the middle eastern culture, but according to my old history professor both of the numbers are not in referance to the 'devil' in any way.
So yeah, the christians just needed some random number to use to strike fear into their own people.