Why does everyone think that 666 is the number of the beast? Most bibles should have a footnote that states that older manuscripts said 616. Any that don't are obviouly lacking. How did such confusion come to exist, and which one is actually correct? I personally think that older manuscripts are to be more trusted than the comparably newer ones.
Note of interest. In the series Left Behind, which by the way has heresy slipped neatly in the cracks, they use the number 216, being the cube of 6 to correspond to the beast's number. A door in my father's garage randomly has that number imprinted on it. Also my sister thought it was super bad that her three names each have 6 letters.
Ducde...if you have even read the Bible God says himself the Mark of the Beast is 666, seriously, don't be a "r word"
Who cares what the bible says? The bible is a collection of books picked out by the romans that were written by followers of jesues chirst. Not one of those books in the bible was writted by god. So, how can I properly beleive that someone a few hundred years after jeseus christ's death that they would know god just said, "616/666 is the mark of the beast" Like I said earlier, it's just superstition.
Uh, exactly what words did I spell wrong? I see once for Jeseus, but then I don't even beleive in him anyways so, Then believe, the i and the e got mixed up in a typo, and superstition is spelled correctly. So, 2 words wrong, both slight typos, isn't that big of a deal. in 2 words, 2 letters are flipped. Excuse me for not spellchecking my every word. -.-"
Anyone who doesn't realize that the bible is just a bunch of stories jacked from roman writers should go ahead and read "Metamorphoses" by OVID, written a few decades before the 'birth of jesus' i say this because in all my reading in history. ive seen nothing close to a true reference to jesus, in fact it looks to me like king herod made him up based on predictions the sibyl made 200 years before he was born.
There are proven records that jesus existed at that time.
Well, show me something concrete, because if you were even slightly inclined to ancient history you would know that almost nothing from that era can be 'roven'
So lets see some of this magic proof that jesus existed.
if you ever read pillars of the earth by ken follett, you would know that mary, mother of jesus, was represented by the number 7, lucifer was represented by the number 6
Asking someone to do something you can do yourself is kind of lazy. That's not gonna cut it here, I don't have time to sit on the computer for an hour and find you things that prove Jesus' existence. Use a primary source, ask any modern day historian if Jesus was a real person and 99 times out of 100 they'll say yes.
I've been looking into the matter and it really isn't that simply of a subject.
Also, people who claimed to have been healed by his miracles have left diaries and stories.
I said proof not historical hear-say.
The Roman empire kept physical records of people they crucified. Even someone with slight knowledge knows there is nothing concrete on the internet, find it yourself, I'm sure you can watch the History channel.
You thinking that anything on the history channel is reliable or to be taken as the truth proves your narrow world scope and only adds weight to my point.
I have read translations of papers from Cicero to Claudius about religious strife in the area near Jerusalem from about 60bc - 100ad and i see no definitive proof of such a man. Now i know that catholic church has made some pretty lofty claims in the field but im a history buff and not inclined to believe again 'historical hear-say'.
people who claimed to have been healed by his miracles have left diaries and stories.
Your famous historians didn't write about Jesus, but a regular person who got healed by him did. That's not hearsay, that's the best kind of evidence you'd want, someone who had direct contact with the Man you've been searching for. Solid proof, Hallelujah!
Your famous historians didn't write about Jesus, but a regular person who got healed by him did. That's not hearsay, that's the best kind of evidence you'd want, someone who had direct contact with the Man you've been searching for. Solid proof, Hallelujah!
Who would these be? Okay you people don't want to provide links, how about names? Just take 30 seconds to type up a few names I can go search.