I haven't wondered that, actually. Because I'm not ****ing retarded.
You shouldn't use the "r" word...
But if it feels like it, then isn't it so? Generally, if something tastes like an apple, it's an apple. What makes a dream fake?
Not necessarily. I'm not sure how to prove my answer other than the fact that people can only dream one dream at a time, and dreaming inside of a dream is only psychological, and not actually dreaming again.
If I'm in a dream, why can't I fly? Why can I hurt myself and not "wake up"? How come burgers taste so real? How come my dream is so realistic? Why can I learn things my subconscious didn't know? How come I have such detailed conversations here? Why is dream so long?
Life as you perceive it IS in fact a dream but not because you are asleep some other place in existence but only because the fact that your eyes are built only to interact with things on a matching density plane to yourself and there are likely millions of other layers in which match up on our own scale.
This is not to mention at all the fact that the scale of things are likely very wide in any perspective, The universe can be compared to a single atom, every atom in our body could house millions of living civilized cultures on such a scale we might inhale and exhale them on a daily basis without a possible way to even understand it.