Hey, this topic is just for LDS members, so we can discuss things and topics. If you are not LDS and you want to talk, please join, but if you insult us, you will be kicked and reported.
This might be an interesting topic. As you may already know I'm far from being a Mormon. I am guessing this is inspired by the conversation that was going on in the calling all Christians thread. So to start off with a question would you regard the video posted in the CAC thread to be an accurate representation of the Mormon beliefs and if not what are the flaws you see?
well, they called it mormonism, it called latterday saint, yes its elohim, and no he has one wife, he didnt have celestial sex, we were created from him and his one wife, in their image, no, there is only one mormon god, and the religion elohim had is unknow to all but the dead, we dont know if lucifer was the eldest, but we do know that jesus is one of the eldest, lucifer is evil, we do not do 'secret temple things' just ask a polite mormon and they'll answer, and we all voted on jesus becoming the savior.
well, we will all go to spirit paradise or spirit prison, then the day of judgement comes, then we go to one of the three degrees of glory, if you were really bad, you go to hell, or outer darkness, only way, excon mormon
Weeven I just wanted to apologize for being derogative earlier. I have nothing against them just I do not understand where they get everything. The bible clearly describes hell as a burning pit of fire. So if you could explain your view please? I care not if its in this forum or on my messanger but I'd like to see your point of view and where it comes from. Thank you.
Well, hell is, um hell is, um, I dont really know, all I know is its where satan is, and where he makes you miserable. and secret handhake, your a deacon at the ages of 12-13, teacher is 14-15, priest is 16-17, and elder is 18+, high priest, I dont know how, there is no exact age, and the prophets and apostles, and general authorities are called.
this is a link about what mormons truly believe and how people think of us
Hey, this topic is just for LDS members, so we can discuss things and topics. If you are not LDS and you want to talk, please join, but if you insult us, you will be kicked and reported.
Just for LDS members? You know that's not allowed, right? And the one thing guaranteed to make people insult you is the threat of being reported if you insult. Just wanted to say that. Moving on, now. I'm pretty far from being Mormon(I'm agnostic, actually), but the majority of my family is LDS(actually, my entire dad's side, except for my dad himself) and I know most of the religion(well, the gist of it anyway), so er... yeah... And people will respect and believe you more if you use correct grammar, just saying. Here is a summary I wrote some time ago about the Mormon religion. ... and I lost it... Crap. OK, now I'm in a rush and I'm just going to really quickly sum up the Mormon religion. I'll come back later and go into it in more detail, but right now, I'm impatient.
The Prophet Joseph Smith was visited by the Angel Moroni, who told him where to find golden holy plates, which contained wisdom sent by God. But Smith was told by Moroni that he was not to show these plates to anyone. So Smith went and read the plates and gave the wisdom he found from them to the people.
I know, I know, it's really short, but I know for a fact that I wrote something more in depth, but I can't for the life of me find it, so we're stuck with this until I feel like writing something better. *headesk* -Moat