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Cant take the pressure i guess
It all does seem to be sort of twisted. Some magical tablets thats only joseph smith can read, that he found through a vision, claiming to be another testament?
im sorry, but when was this? Early 1800s? To me it seems like he took advantage of the people where he lived and led them to believe his story. Most people werent properly educated, and weak minded fools.
After doing some research on the man, his family were Christian mystics? Quoting from wikipedia,
"His family were also Christian mystics: like many people of that era, both his parents and his maternal grandfather had visions or dreams that they believed communicated messages from God"
In the old testament, people were givin visions. that could not relate to anything that joseph smith and his family were having. To me, it seems like they claimed or thought to be having messages or dreams from god. and in the 1800s, very unlikely.
He also was a treasure digger? He used seer stones for locating treasure. Smith would put a stone in a white stovepipe hat and would then see the required information in reflections given off by the stone. Apparently you had to be sexually pure to maintain this power.
This seems very similar to the things gypsys do, with some sort of magical power they claim to have. ouijja board or something. Seems kinda demonic if you ask me.
Anyways story goes he was tried for being crazy, and met a girl. The stones said the girl would be the ones to unlock the tablets, because he could not. And legend has it, the angel said for no one to see the tablets, but too publish them.
Thats the part im not getting. Why, publish it, but you can see the originals? It doesnt make sense. When moses wrote the ten commandments, he let people see them. and they were written down, history takes it course, and so on.
As kirby said before, it would seem as if they took christianity, and made it ito something they wanted. and in my opinion, joseph smith had mental disorders and had a need to be special.