I just happened to hear it on CNN, couldn't believe it. So I looked on the site and found the article [url]http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/space/11/13/water.moon.nasa/index.html[/url]
What do you guys and gals think about that? What does it mean for the future of the Earth? Humantiy?
I think exploring space is really unnecessary... I mean what has it done for us so far?
oh....stupid NASA! I mean... Who wants to know more about the universe and the structure of space? Who wants to find new planets that may house life on them and may be suitable for human habitation?
we wont make it. the world will end in 2012. SO TAKE THAT NASA! u know whts weird? the world is supposed to end when obama gets out of the office. lol. obama will cause the end of the world.
That doesn't make sense. Another present would have just been elected (assuming Obama doesn't get re-elected), so it would make more sense to say that the newly elected President would cause the end of the world.
Food will hardly be a problem. Just have soil in air-tight green houses. Then we'll have a source of oxygen too.
As for the heating problem, you could just stay on the sunny side. Since the moon is much smaller in circumference than the earth (10921 km), and the days are much, much longer (60 earth days instead of 24 hours), you would need to travel approximately >7.6 km/h, or >4.7 mph in the right diection to stay on the sunny side. Add a bit more speed to avoid craters, and this is very reasonable. Moving a whole building though, it will be tricky.
As for the energy problem; since you constantly stay on the sunny side of the moon, you could just have a large amount of solar panels (this is just about the only option, since the moon doesn't have wind and no running water).
So, ya...... sorry if my calculations are off for the heating problem, just did it.
So in the long run, populating the moon isn't such a "far fetched" idea anymore.