It's a violation on freedom. As stated before. Freedom isn't always a good thing.
actually,freedom do have it's limits,though it's still a violation of freedom,it's easy to counter,migratioin lol
Under Japanâs health care coverage, companies administer check-ups to employees once a year. Those who fail to meet the waistline requirement must undergo counseling. If companies do not reduce the number of overweight employees by 10 percent by 2012 and 25 percent by 2015, they could be required to pay more money into a health care program for the elderly. An estimated 56 million Japanese will have their waists measured this year.
they need money for the old lol
Health care costs here are projected to double by 2020 and represent 11.5 percent of gross domestic product. Thatâs why some health experts support the metabo law.
i will agree too,and tell me,who read the whole article?
i dont think theres anything wrong with imposing such a wierd law
*all but the first quoting is from the fat article thing
So what if you just had a naturally large waistline?
You aren't obese, you're just a big waisted person xD
Unless you mean naturally fat. But this is not true, you can be genetically predispositioned to gain weight easier. But this just means you have to be a bit more careful with your diet.
i started reading articles after i was in a discussion about Truman's good dealing with the Great Depression and Graham sent a link about how Truman's policies extended the depression-- but the article actually talked about how specific details within the policies (like how/where the work was granted) led to them slightly not helping as much as they should have.
I agree with German3945 it is a bit hilarious. And honestly i dont care how much anyone dissapproved but if your not an athelete or have a health conidition their is no reason to eat yourself to obesity. Now stress can cause you to gain weight but come on, it doesnt make you 700 pounds. Ive seen people 500+pounds its absolutely disgusting and there is no reason for it. They obviously need help, im not being rude but if we dont act they will eat themselves to death. seriously.......
it'll never hit the US, we have an enormous percentage of overweight people here. If we passed it, we'd have to delay it an extra 5 years until we could put it into place because we wouldn't have enough counselors.