ForumsWEPRWas Jesus Real

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This is a subject that has cropped up in a couple threads already so I figure why not give it it's own thread.

So the questions
Was the Biblical Jesus a real person?
If not was there at least a historical Jesus used as a basis for the stories?
Could it have been a complete fabrication?

Please provide evidence for or against your argument. If you use the Bible provide external sources to also back up your claim.

  • 231 Replies
383 posts

I think that yeah, there is POSSIBLY some fibs in the bible, but all of the saintly stuff is probably true, as historical saints prove. But, I would normally say with a voice of cyniscm that it is DEFINETLY untrue, but as it is beliefs and 2,000 years ago, I don't really have an argument to put forward, so I suppose all I can do is watch the doc 'bout it for now

677 posts

Please note, I have taken the time to read all 17 pages before writing.

I find it very frustrating when some peoeple condemn others who say they believe Jesus was real, demand proof, and thus claim he was not real. Can't be flip the table around and say "where is your proof he was not real." You know, there are people that claim the holocaust didn't exist, which we know did happen, as they claim there is no proof. The historical Jesus lived long before the Holocaust, and it is hard to find evidence for things that occurred long people people started hard-corely writing down history.

None the less, some of you seem to want evidence that there was a historical Jesus outside of the bible. I would like to know, why would that other source be any more credible than that of the gospels? I do not see how it is more likely that an "outsider" would be more reliable than an "insider." There is proof of authorship, location, and time period of which the gospels were written. Hence they are real documents. I do not like the fact that people have seems to not accept the gospels as credible sources, just because they are the gospels. Sure, the gospels want to tell the story of the divine Jesus, but there is also corneals of proof of an existent historical Jesus (within the theological aspects).

I see that there is evidence of the historical Jesus within the bible (maybe people have not pointed it out properly). I don't claim to know everything, but I currently just finished a final on the Gospels and I want to share what I learned this semester:

First, the Jesus has been proven to have been mentioned in Roman Literature as well as the Jewish Talmud. (Sadly, I do not know the name of the Roman books. Maybe I will ask my professor the exact sources, as it seems like that your prove #2. Jesus the person does exist).

Second, there are the gospels. I know someone said that there are 4 independently written gospels, and immediately that was thrown away. I don't understand why you guys have "trashed" that fact so quickly. Let's talk about the synoptic gospels. It is known that Mark wrote his gospel completely independent of the other 3. Luke and Matthew wrote their gospels independently of each other, but they did have access to Mark and an unknown Q source. None the less they do have material that was solely their own.

So, from these gospels (with independently written information), there are multiple attestations of Jesus. What I mean is, if the gospel of Matthew, Luke, Mark and the book of Thomas(supposedly the saying of Jesus) all consistently mention something, such as Jesus speaking in parables, then it is true must be a true thing that Jesus did. Remember, these authors lived in different locations and hence didn't communicate with each other. Next, there are the dissimilarities to look at. There are incidents of events/things that Jesus did that are out of place for both Palestine Judaism and early Christianity. If one would just fabricate the figure of Jesus, it would make no sense for him to "out of place." For example, Jesus called God "Abba," normal Jews/Christians don't do that. Another example, Jesus healing people on the Sabbath day, which is against Jewish law. Why would they say that he broke the law (as he is a Jew) if it were not historically accurate information. Also, as mentioned before, history was passed down orally during that time period. Sayings that were simple, easy to remember and possible rhyming could very likely be passed down through oral tradition. Just because it isn't in writing, does not mean it isn't true (especially back 2000 years ago when oral tradition was the main way things were told/remembered)! Finally, the embarrassment factor. Going along with the "out of place" stuff, there are instances where Jesus "looks bad" in the bible. He is claimed to be reject by his family, associated with sinners, flipping out at the temple... The gospels are supposed to show the divinity of Christ. If they were a fabrication, then there is no way that they would show Jesus poorly. The only explanation for showing Jesus like this, and mentioning these poor attributes would be to say they actually happened. Thus, these true events show how Jesus the person did exist.

Now, I hope you look at this closely and don't just say "I want proof outside of the gospels." Because, you can find proof in the gospels. Just because the gospels are religious in nature does not be it is totally historically inaccurate. Every fabrication starts with a corneal of truth. I have pointed out some of those within the gospels.

To conclude, I don't know if you will believe my &quotroof" or not, but I hope that some of you do realize that weather AG finds the &quotroof" that makes believers of the fabrication theory happy or not, it doesn't mean that Jesus did not exist. Or to place it another way, just because we cannot give you the &quotroof" you want to make you happy, it doesn't mean that Jesus was a fabrication necessarily.

1,573 posts

First, the Jesus has been proven to have been mentioned in Roman Literature as well as the Jewish Talmud.

That would be something which would lend weight to number 2.

it doesn't mean that Jesus was a fabrication necessarily.

True. Its my belief, and I will state quite clearly I dont believe he existed. I could be wrong. I like how you have said you could be wrong too, but I can see you believe he did exist in some form.

There is proof of authorship, location, and time period of which the gospels were written. Hence they are real documents.

If there was actual proof of this then there would not be the debate saying the gospels were written as far as 200 years after the death of jesus.

Either way you have made some of the most sense and its a lil hard not to get annoyed at ppl who come in and only state "jesus was real"
350 posts

"Jesus" exists but hes only A MAN like u and me...he hasnt any specially power he was a normal person

1,573 posts

See... im sorry joao99 but this doesnt really add anything to the debate.

677 posts

If there was actual proof of this then there would not be the debate saying the gospels were written as far as 200 years after the death of jesus.

I am quite sure that the final gospel was John, and that was written around 90 AD. I believe the earliest was Mark, written in 60 AD. Chances are Mark knew some eye-witnesses. John...obviously not. But either way, all 4 are written less than a 100 years after Jesus' death.

Either way you have made some of the most sense and its a lil hard not to get annoyed at ppl who come in and only state "jesus was real"

Analog: I understand your point here. It is annoying when people say "here is real" and give no rational, or when people just pop in an opinion without rational. I just found it ironic that many times I found you saying "you can't just say he is real", and then you said "he isn't real." It seemed very similar to what you complained about, but you gave more than just one sentence. I just felt like pointing out the irony that I realized.

Thank you for taking the time to read my lengthy novel of an answer. I hope I have at least put some doubt in those of you who who are completely convinced that Jesus, the person, was a fabrication.

16 posts

i dont no its a mystery

9,462 posts


Josephus' second work was altered. The first one, the legit one, mentions a Jesus of Nazareth.

I'm pretty sure it was the second one that was regarded as real by most scholars. However there were some scholars such as Emil Schürer who believed the words "who was call Christ" was not in the original texts.

Earl Doherty a writer with a degree in ancient history and proponent of the Jesus myth theory suggests the original had just said "and brought before them [a good man] whose name was James, and some others"

Here is the part believed to be real.
"Festus was now dead, and Albinus was but upon the road; so he assembled the sanhedrin of judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others;"

If you still doubt me, I suggest you go talk to a historian. Find me one who seriously doubts the existence of the historical jesus.

I would love to be able to have the chance to speak with a historian who has studies this but I don't know of any.

As for Historian who seriously doubted the historicity of Jesus.

Bruno Bauer: German theologian, philosopher, and historian. Also the one who first suggested Jesus was only myth.
Arthur Drews: German philosopher.
G. A. Wells: professor holding degrees in German, philosophy, and natural science.
Robert M. Price: professor of theology and scriptural studies.
Just to name a few proponents.

I think you brought up some good points on the gospels, so don't feel I'm disregarding what your saying but there are a couple things I want to address.

Can't be flip the table around and say "where is your proof he was not real."

No, we can only prove existence. Thinking he doesn't exist is a sort of default state.

some of you seem to want evidence that there was a historical Jesus outside of the bible. I would like to know, why would that other source be any more credible than that of the gospels? I do not see how it is more likely that an "outsider" would be more reliable than an "insider." There is proof of authorship, location, and time period of which the gospels were written. Hence they are real documents. I do not like the fact that people have seems to not accept the gospels as credible sources, just because they are the gospels. Sure, the gospels want to tell the story of the divine Jesus, but there is also corneals of proof of an existent historical Jesus (within the theological aspects).

Yes we have to find something other then the gospels, mainly due to the fantastic claims being made requires independent verification. Unfortunately these independent accounts are all second hand at best and forgeries at worst. Since there were people in high places looking to spread misinformation in order to promote the idea of a real divine Jesus just makes finding reliable evidence that much harder.
677 posts

No, we can only prove existence. Thinking he doesn't exist is a sort of default state.

I only brought that up as I found irony/ hypocrisy in some of Analog's comments. It should not be considered part of my case. I kind of reiterated my point to him a few posts ago. Don't worry Analog--I respect you and your opinions.

Yes we have to find something other then the gospels

Couldn't we say any source from 2000 years ago is not proven to be true/accurate?

Ok, I am going to be blunt... (Keep in mind that I love a healthy debate and discussing beliefs). I kind of feel like those of you on the "Jesus is fabricated bus" are setting yourselves up to not believe anything we give you. I still don't like how you disregard the gospels. They on a certain level (as in the points I mention, not the theological business) should be just as accepted as any other ancient written document.

On a personal note, I find the points that I brought up are proof enough that a historical Jesus existed. I don't think there is even a question he doesn't exist as a person. We are all entitled to our opinion, I just think you guys you are setting us,the "Jesus was a real person" up for failure in this thread.
527 posts

yes he was real

9,462 posts

yes he was real

One liners are useless here.
1,573 posts

all 4 are written less than a 100 years after Jesus' death

I dont find this to be satisfactory, Its like if they found a document that was written only 5 years after his death then a big fuss would be made saying "theres a big document found only 5 years after his death... see I told you he was real" etc. The timescale does matter when it may have been written by an eyewitness, but it seems its all 3rd hand accounts and hearsay.

I know I sometimes just say he isnt real, but there is a fine line between cutting statements short (I write enuf as it is) and writing one liners like above. I will always be ready to explain why I have a belief, even tho I may not be the most rational person. You will just have to assume, as mage said, believing jesus was not a real person is my default state.

Also Im tired of a world assuming the guy is real without anything concrete to back it up. The bible cannot be trusted to the full extent of a historical document because the lines between fantasy and reality blur too much within its pages, so we no longer know what is real and what is religion.
9,462 posts

Not sure if this really advances the debate any but here is a YouTube link with a clip from The Atheist Experience a public access tv show run out of Texas. In this clip they get on the topic of Jesus as a historical figure.

Like I said not sure if it really advances the debate here but I just thought it was interesting.

1,573 posts

weather AG finds the &quotroof" that makes believers of the fabrication theory happy or not, it doesn't mean that Jesus did not exist.

Thats no reson not to debate of course.

I just wrote a big shpeil but then deleted it so cant be arsed writing it again. Bah!

The vid was good tho Mage
527 posts

yes he was

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