Hello. Do you really believe in your religion and God? I know many people that are forced or just expected by their friends and family to believe and practice a religion. If someone put a gun to your head and said do you still believe, would you stay firm to your religion or say no you don't believe?
So do you really believe in what you say you believe?
Yes I do believe in God. If someone put a gun to my head I would tell them I still believe because, like I said in the "Fear death?" thread, I do not fear death, oh and I also say it in my profile.
same as if you were Christian just didn't force your children to go to church
Well, from a parent's perspective, that would be sensible. Many younger children don't understand the importance of Church and would rather sit around and watch Dora.
what good do Sunday and other services do, really?
Whether you go to mass(etc) to practice faith or show off the fact you have faith, you could easily do those things at home and during your day. If you truly are a Christian or Jew, why not pray during the day?
I very rarely see a non-muslim praying in daylight, outside of their homes or the church. It's an odd way to treat a religion that you dedicate 1/7 of your life to.
Religion is essential to life, I believe, therefore I am. People should not be forced into religion, religion should be questioned, but with the right heart, people will grow in strength in there religion. One huge misconception is that religion limits you and makes you a goody two shoes, not so, I'm a strong Presbyterian Christian, and I'm not limited in any ways. The problem of many religions is they are too traditional, which is rather unappealing, and misrepresentation is often more visible. People need to understand that they can be very religious and still live an awesome free lifestyle.
The problem of many religions is they are too traditional
Once again, no,it's not that it's tradition, it's that every religion thinks that it is right and all others, no matter what, are wrong. Now im not saying that some don't tolerate others, but name a religion that thinks other religions are right, and i'll be surprised because that would mean they believed in the other religion, not that one.
People should not be forced into religion, religion should be questioned
Correct. Just think of all the absurdities in religion, fair few things in any religion even make sense.
The Ten Commandments make sense. The Golden Rule makes sense. Buddha makes sense
That's not what I meant. Let me be more specific. I mean the things that are like jesus healing people and breaking break into thousands of loaves and what not. The ten commandments I would beleive, some virtuous person wrote not to do those things that cause murder and contempt and encouraged basic human civillity. The golden rule is more of a If you don't do this to me I won't do it to you, like the cold war, buddha didn't claim to be a god, he was a person who promoted ideals and philisophical thinking. Things like god crafting Eve out of adams rib or daniel predicting the future, those "miracles" and there's a lot of them in many religions.
, but name a religion that thinks other religions are right, and i'll be surprised because that would mean they believed in the other religion, not that one.
Buddhism generally accepts all other religions and ideas, though Buddhism isn't truly a religion....