ForumsWEPRQuestion your faith in your religion

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49 posts

Hello. Do you really believe in your religion and God? I know many people that are forced or just expected by their friends and family to believe and practice a religion. If someone put a gun to your head and said do you still believe, would you stay firm to your religion or say no you don't believe?

So do you really believe in what you say you believe?

  • 39 Replies
34 posts

I was raised by parents who left the church and did not go themselves, but they always told me I could choose for myself (as long as I didn't join some crazy cult). At 16 as an exchange student I went to a christian church for the first time and began to believe in God. I really like the church I am going to right now. They do not preach the gospel so boring like "Jesus died, you can go to heaven, burn otherwise," (though they would still affirm this) but how the gospel relates to all aspects of life, and how to really apply Christianity to life.

In addition, I am studying philosophy and am pretty sure that Christianity, intellectually speaking, is actually a much safer and more rational position to stand on than naturalism/materialism. I do say that I not only believe in God or have faith in Him (I do), but I actually know Him, know that He is real and true, and do so for a variety of reasons. Faith is not contrary to reason. If I knew God wasn't real, how could I have faith in him? I am reading a great book on this right now called "Warrented Christian Belief" by Alvin Plantinga. Great read on the subject.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I do that a lot, but I still I have not concluded if I do believe.

601 posts

If someone pulled a gun on me, I would most likely say I believe in God and I'm a Christian. At least right now. I am still currently questioning my faith and beliefs. Also, my life is pretty much crap right now and I'm tired of it, but I feel that it is a sin to commit suicide, as you are killing someone and can't repent for it, because if you try repenting BEFORE the sin itself, you're basically knowingly sinning, which is probably worse.

And who knows, maybe the guy was just another Christian seeing how other people react and was using a fake/unloaded gun to get truthful answers?

527 posts

Yes, I believe in God, I believe Jesus was a real person and that he died for us. End of story.

1,573 posts

Yes, I believe in God, I believe Jesus was a real person and that he died for us. End of story.

So youve said, but care to elaborate on that?

Also, my life is pretty much crap right now and I'm tired of it

I know how that feels and I didnt need religion to pull thru the difficult times. Whatever gets you thru the day is the path you must take (but I would suggest good moral standing on all decisions)
601 posts

I know how that feels and I didnt need religion to pull thru the difficult times. Whatever gets you thru the day is the path you must take (but I would suggest good moral standing on all decisions)

I wouldn't say it's religion itself that is pulling me through these difficult times, but rather, the seeking of religion or enlightenment. My natural curiosity and wanting to know the truth are giving me the desire to live and find the answers.
1,026 posts

Religion is someone elses belief structure, faith is having faith in yourself, your own belief, and other people.

If you believe in something strongly, it is faith. I have faith in myself and my beliefs.
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