ForumsWEPRQuarter of All US Children Went Hungry Last Year

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3,880 posts

New government data shows nearly 50 million Americansâ"including a quarter of all childrenâ"struggled to get enough to eat last year. The Department of Agriculture found that nearly 17 million children lived in households in which food at times was scarce last year, four million children more than the year before. The government data has startled even anti-poverty advocates. Vicki Escarra, president of Feeding America, said, "This is unthinkable. Itâs like we are living in a Third World country.â The total number of Americans going hungry is likely even higher. The report is based on 2008 data when the unemployment rate maxed out at 7.2 percent. Since then the unemployment rate has jumped to over ten percent. David Davenport runs the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas. David Davenport: âI anticipate that as the months go on, the next four to six months, weâll continue to break distribution records, weâll continue to have to expand programs like the mobile pantry, and weâll continue to have to do more and to do it with less resources.â

Combined with the fact that 25,000 children die daily because of the very preventable cause of starvation. (Thats 100 million deaths a decade)

I declare capitalism to be the most oppressive and evil system in the world.
  • 57 Replies
1,532 posts

Probably the mexican kids with illegal parents

ou dont know how many their are until you count them

"why cant the minorities, get out of my waterpark!!!"?

2,837 posts

And teach them English!!!

Back on subject, we make much more money than those other countries so in actuality send the most. Oh I know that %s are vastly different, but I hardly doubt it takes into account all the charities that the public is involved in.

1,573 posts

[quote]To fix our world we need a government that is not afraid to face the rich and tell them they will lose there wealth for the great good. We all have a place in fixing the world as our ancestors have all had a place in allowing it to get this way.[quote]

I second that motion

1,026 posts

Well, if you can't get any richer than your neighbor who sits around doing nothing all day, how could you have any goals? Drace, from what your saying your obviously a communist.

3,224 posts

I declare capitalism to be the most oppressive and evil system in the world.

You probably haven't met Feudalism yet then.
370 posts

i went hungry... but then i hate something...

1,287 posts

You point a finger at capitalism, is it wrong, yes, so is every other form of rule.

That is why I am a proponent of anarchy xD

In order to help the world the rich must fall

The rich have money. Money rules the world. The rich rule the world.

the rich must fall, the lazy must rise (literally),

The poor are often more active and motivated than the rich. I think those Africans are pretty motivated to march to that well every day, to search through those garbage piles for junk to sell...

You probably haven't met Feudalism yet then.

I have not. I sort...of...forgot about that one =P

Well, if you can't get any richer than your neighbor who sits around doing nothing all day, how could you have any goals? Drace, from what your saying your obviously a communist.

So many things wrong with that. There is one goal: To advance the human race.

Personal goals are unnecessary. The idea of personal achievment is the product of a capitalist society.

The goal is community based. You don't think everyone would be motivated to help everyone else? Do you think most scientists are motivated by money?

And you use the word communist like it has some inherent negative connotation...
3,880 posts


We are being forced to live by more and more laws and regulations, many of these costing the middle class and lower a fortune. Instead of the government figuring out ways to make insurance a non-profit organization (or find a better system), the government makes more laws and more punishments against those without insurance, forcing people to pay for a money draining safety net to catch people only 3 feet from the ground.

What new laws and regulations? The government has been bailing out banks and companies.

I think people should be allowed to grow rich, but not through exploiting people through laws.

Bill Gates, he became rich because he gave the people Microsoft. People enjoyed Microsoft, Bill Gates took advantage of what the people wanted. However, people who profit off credit cards (pure scams), insurance (required rip offs), and other forms of cons and control are the people I hate.

Sure, Bill Gates made a huge contribution, but enough to earn him $60 billion dollars?
He created something that which society under the modern age cannot live off of. Yet he still profits off people's needs.

And yes credit cards have recently been more exploitative. Apparently, they started people for bs reasons and the US government is putting a law into effect to stop it.

This has worked for and against people in both capitalist systems and non-capitalist systems.

Thats true, I didn't mean to make that a direct argument. I was just explaining why the masses are quite ignorant.

The reason people get rich is because the government is too big and because it focuses on controlling the people rather than controlling companies to make sure they aren't screwing everybody over.

I don't understand this. Without the government, the nature of capitalism would be free to rule.

The capitalists would be able to exploit freely without minimum wage and without regulation. The nature of capitalism is inequality. For the rich to get richer, the poor must get poorer.
Wealth is not created out of thin air. Those who get wealthy do in through exploiting the poorer.
You cannot tell me Bill Gates did the labor required to earn $60 billion.

For someone whose being paid $30 an hour (fairly modest), they would have to do 2 million hours of work to get to where Bill Gates is at.

Ok, firstly Americans don't deserve to be hungry, we're far to rich,

Being rich and deserving to be hungry have no relation.

You point a finger at capitalism, is it wrong, yes, so is every other form of rule. If you want to point a finger at everything that is wrong then I only warn you to take time to eat and sleep, because you will be doing it for the rest of your life. Those who have children they can not feed are wrong in there ways, rich people are wrong, most of the world is wrong.

What? What do you mean by "so is every other form of rule"?
This was no argument.

But then that is the world we are in, there is no changing that, or is there, can an individual change the world, yes. can an individual change the world by complaining about it?

Why is there no changing it? Capitalism is not as clear as rain as it would seem.
Have you heard of a revolution?

Well, if you can't get any richer than your neighbor who sits around doing nothing all day, how could you have any goals? Drace, from what your saying your obviously a communist.

Communism is not an ideology which seeks for humanity to have perfect equality.
It is about the workers owning the means of productions, to create a fair and just economic system free of capitalist exploitation.

and ZOMg im a cOmunizt!

You probably haven't met Feudalism yet then.

Well feudalism does not exist in the world on a significant scale.
2,837 posts



I mean... oh that's nice.

928 posts

So why do people make those stupid tv ads, when they could use the money it took to make the stupid ad and buy food....

1,751 posts

Sure, Bill Gates made a huge contribution, but enough to earn him $60 billion dollars?

Yes, he gave the world 1 billion pc's
938 posts

I hate how people are complaining about how Obama legalizes abortion. Then they turn around and yell at him to create jobs, give them food, and fix all their problems. Simple: Kill the people before they can start complaining, and we'll have no problem feeding everyone.

3,224 posts

Well feudalism does not exist in the world on a significant scale.

India, the caste system?

He created something that which society under the modern age cannot live off of. Yet he still profits off people's needs.

Bill Gate's invention of an easily usable OS system has triggered economic growth and prosperity fo rmillions worldwide, not just in MEDCs. So yes he has earned that money, due to its multiplier effect.
3,224 posts

I declare capitalism to be the most oppressive and evil system in the world.

Also, Chinese authoritarianism, the military junta in Burma, the genocidal regime in Sudan etc etc.

Yes capitalism creates wealth gaps, however wealth also trickles down. In capitalist countries, the average living standards are higher than that of any other system which has been attempted in human history. These standards are still rising.

Also, please provide a link for the data you posted on the first page. Not that I don't believe you, but I'd like to see if the source is actually reliable.
10 posts

My favorite saying of all time is:
'Survival of the fittest!'

If you do not make the right choices in life, area of living, jobs, etc etc, you will end up poor and you deserve to die. Harsh? Indeed. Horrible? Of Course. True? Yes. I am against socialism, I do not want to support others when I need to support myself and my family. Why should I have to support morons who cannot live their lives correctly? But Children are a whole different thing, donate to shelters, buy what you need to survive, then give some food to shelters. Poor Adults have no pity from me, but poor youth do because they didn't choose for this to happen. Lastly, I do not care for the poor and/or hungry from other countries, just mine, because in the end we might have to fight Africa, and I would feel guilty for aiding them.

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