How many songs do you have on your iPod and/or MP3 Player? On my iPod I have 760.
54 cuz mine is piece of crap
On my iPod, I have a little over 12000 songs. It took quite a while to get all of them.
1,247 Songs and 93 Videos on my iPod nano
I bet everyone paid for every single song on their Ipod right?Otherwise this thread is full of illegal activities.
0 but i will get a mp3 player soon
176 for now
I have 802 song on my ipod
I have 764 on mine right now, but it can hold up to 5,000.
not really idrumtomuchI just imported the songs from my CDs, my bro's and sister's CDs, my freind's CDs, and some free music that the artists's website was offering. I bought like 1 hundred or so songs. But all of the aforementioned stuff isn't illegal.
134 but mine can hold more it's an 80 gig. No videos because it's hard for me to find ones that aren'tbootleg that are the right format for my mp3.
i have an iPod touch i have 227 songs and i didnt buy any of them 'cuz u can upload songs from cds
When I get my touch tomorrow, I'll put about 100 songs on it immediately, and keep piling 'em on as time goes on.
887 songs, 1 movie, 5 flash videos, 6 tv8 gig nano. the one just before cameras
1205, 4 movies, games and stuff.
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