I got a itouch 2nd generation a month ago and yesterday I finally decided to download all my songs. So I was following the instructions on how to and etc... So half way through downloading all my songs it went hay wire and the screen turned off and then back on automatically and when I looked at it all the apps were all currupted the pictures and stuff looked like a claw slashed through em. Nothing on it worked and all it would and could do is turn off and on. So I gave it to my mom to return it and etc... So that night i e-mailed the makers and today they e-mailed me back and they said the most likely reason for all the malfunctions and stuff was because there was too much being downloaded at once. So I sit here all like WTH so I only had roughly 1020/2000 songs downloaded and that isn't much I mean I could've taken some 2 or 3 year old crappy mp3 and it wouldn't have had these problems.
I've got 7GB on the ipod, but 42 GB on the comp. I switch it up a lot!
@ KeedzAl: I have a 2G touch as well, and it can't even handle updating more than 3 apps at once...so, your story doesn't surprise me. Just make sure to add a little at a time. (We don't get ipods for quality, it's more for the product name and in the case of ipod touch/iphones- for all the apps!)
I had a 4 gB Nano and I used it 'til the buttons stopped working. Now I have a 16 gB Nano and won't get a new one 'til that breaks. Zen's are kinda ghey.
Not Zune, Zen. Its different. Zens are older than Zunes, and they had a model that looks pretty much like a Zune. So, Zune basically changed the name and stole their product like badasses. Cause its Microsoft.
Oh, a ZEEEN, lol. Totally missed that. Yeah, pretty much, doesn't make them any better but Bill Gates probably got a little office cred from that.