Don't say it's gay or Harry Potter is better. Okay? I love them both. I recently saw New Moon and it is one of my favorite movies. Much better than Twilight. Who here agrees with me?
Well, they kept the original cast, and personally, I think all of their acting sucks, but that's just me. Ah,well, I think it was OK. I've definitely seen better movies/read better books. And they are WAAAAAAAAYYYY overrated, you know what I mean? They're decent books, I dunno why everyone keeps bashing them,but yeah, I think the only thing really holding them up is the good looks of the male cast. *sigh* You just can't find a good movie or book anymore...
Team Edward or team Jacob you decide. OMG!!!!!! Why are people makeing a big deal about this it's stupid. I just saw a comocial with two people sitting next to each other and one was wearing a pin that said team Edward and another said Team Jacob. So stupid.
I've heard from just about every girl in my school today and they all said it was horrible. I haven't seen it, nor do I plan to, but that's just what i've heard.
I was dragged to see twilight with my girlfriend and must say I was disapointed. I thought I'd give new moon a chance, and although it was better I still didn't think much of it. Although it's a well made film, I'm sure if I wanted to see hairy vampire men prancing about half naked I could find some more interesting films on the web.
Well New Moon compared to Twilight? It was so much better you know? At least I'm not saying it could be real like this one girl on a message board about Twilight vs. Harry potter. She said and I quote
Twilight is so much better because it's real, or could be real.
I'm not on either team. I'm on team Jasper so there!
And you're right. Edward just looks like a person covered in body glitter. The werewolves were awesome though.