As a Right-wing Zealot, i can tell you that i often spoke openly against the man who became the first african-american president. Now that he's in office, he hasn't f*cked up the world like i thought he would, and he hasnt really done anything good for the economy/foreign policy (no matter what Nobel says, the prize was awarded to him based upon a PLAN of his that had not been implemented, and still is not)
Anyway, Let's rate good ol' Obama. Don't be immature and say shit like, "10000/10! I FREAKING LOVE OBAMA!" or "HE SUCKzz, -1/10" and please, not anything like "ChillzMaster is a stupid name" because then i'll take it personally.
For staying neutral, he deserves a neutral grade, except for gitmo, which was a bad move.
He's kept an open mind towards Middle Eastern countries, whereas before each president condemned them without thought.
Like making israel stop any building for 9 mounths.
he should focus more on less items at the same time (which i believe he is starting to)
Most of the world hates us, and by kissing their a*s 24/7 we're only showing weakness.
So far you're kissing you own a*s
Well you are the reason Israel even exists today. Might have a little something to do with it.
Is that bad?
Obama is attacking them because they treat him like the AntiChrist.
Well yeah
[quote]Obama has alienated allies to attempt to placate enemies who laugh at him for doing it. Look at Israel. That ******* has tried to dictate wether or not they can freaking build houses. May he be punished by Almighty Adonai.
[quote]If it gets bad enough overseas we can always nuke them.
Bad idea, BAD IDEA![/quote]
key sing:
I don't understand why we should even care what they think of us. Chances are we're going to end up fighting them and killing them at some point in the next 200 years.
[quote] Well you are the reason Israel even exists today. Might have a little something to do with it.
Is that bad?[/quote]
Heavens NO!
And thank you for yet another article confirming my statement. That is one of the most awful things he has done. He must have been smacked with a antisemitic stick.
And thank you for yet another article confirming my statement. That is one of the most awful things he has done. He must have been smacked with a antisemitic stick.
You don't have to be anti semitic to be anti Israel. Whatever your political beliefs, how the Israelis have been conducting themselves over the past few years has been appaling.
Whatever your political beliefs, how the Israelis have been conducting themselves over the past few years has been appaling.
I have to agree that Israel playing the victim and saying "Fuck off, we do what we want," when they can't get that viewpoint is getting rather old. They're like a toddler in the midst of a bad tantrum; hopefully they'll wise up soon enough, though, and make some good decisions.
Being against the way the state handles themselves, however, does not necessarily imply antisemitism, which is hatred and discrimination towards the Judaic religious culture, which Obama has shown none of.
And even if Obama is actually trying to keep Israel in line, which his predecessor did none of, he's opened negotiations that Bush would have never even dreamed of doing. We're making more diplomatic progress in the last 11 months than we have in the past 8 years.
Israel deserves to have its nation whole without listening to the President tell them whether or not they can build houses. They have the right to expand their communities. Can you imagine if Poland had its land occupied by people who constantly wanted to destroy them after they regained their nationhood? And no I am not talking about the WW2 era, I am talking about when they were wiped off the map centuries ago. They came back, as did Israel and I really doubt that their problems were as complicated.
Being against the way the state handles themselves, however, does not necessarily imply antisemitism, which is hatred and discrimination towards the Judaic religious culture, which Obama has shown none of.
While I know that my examples of opened diplomatic pathways are quite obvious due to their departure from the previous administration's foreign policy, I'm afraid I can't think of any that have been completely closed off since President Obama was inaugurated. Care to provide any examples besides just making a claim?
"I'm afraid I can't think of any that have been completely closed off since President Obama was inaugurated. Care to provide any examples besides just making a claim?
President Obama has not closed off connections with Israel. While he has changed our foreign policy towards the country, he has not completely split relationships with them, as tomertheking so claims.